Ward 6 - Richard Pootmans

October 2024 Newsletter


Hello Ward 6!

October marks the start of our last year leading up to the next municipal election. I am truly grateful to be your representative for Ward 6. Calgary thrives on diversity, innovation and the strength of our shared vision for a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future. I am proud to represent you, and I remain committed to advocating for the issues that I feel matter most to you. Thank you for your ongoing engagement, trust and dedication to making Ward 6 a better place to live. This last year of the term I will continue to work with you towards building a city that we are all proud to call home.

In this October edition of the newsletter, you will read about organizational day, upcoming budget week, tackling vehicle noise, the Sarcee/Bow Trail Functional Planning Study phase 2 open house and much more.




Organizational Day

Council had our last organizational day of the term. Below are the committees that I have been appointed to. I look forward to working hard to bring a difference to these committees to shape our city.

Community Development Committee

The Community Development Committee's mandate is as follows:

a.    Connecting, including the following areas:

  • affordable housing; arts and culture;
  • community research and strategy;
  • recreation stewardship and strategy;
  • recreation, parks and community program planning;
  • neighbourhood supports;
  • social programs and supports;
  • investing partnerships;

b.    Protecting, including the following areas;

  • bylaw education and compliance;
  • transit safety and enforcement;
  • Calgary 9-1-1;
  • Emergency management and business continuity;
  • fire services;
  • pet ownership and licensing; and
  • taxi, limousine, and vehicles for hire;

c.    Climate Impact;

d.    Environmental Management; and

e.    Oversight in the fields of telecommunication regulation and City Rights-of-Way agreements and bylaws.


Audit Committee

Assist Council in fulfilling its oversight and stewardship responsibilities by gaining and maintaining reasonable assurance in relation to:

  1. the integrity of The City's annual financial statements;
  2. effective governance, risk management and compliance, including the evaluation of the performance of control systems and processes;
  3. the qualifications, independence, and effectiveness of the External Auditor and the City Auditor;
  4. the utilization of a confidential and independent Whistle-blower Program; and
  5. additional matters described herein or as may be assigned to the Audit Committee by Council.
  6. Administration’s establishment of processes to manage critical City of Calgary assets, including but not limited to, infrastructure assets, investments, and information assets. 

Support Council's effective decision-making by being involved in a broader governance role through oversight and responsibilities described in Bylaw 33M2020, schedules A, B and C.


Intergovernmental Affairs

The Intergovernmental Affairs Committee has the following mandate:

(a) Preparing representations on the impact of other governments' policies on The City;

(b) Co-ordinating long-term growth and development plans between The City and other municipalities; and

(c) Building and strengthening Indigenous relations.


Calgary Metropolitan Region Board - Governance Committee

The purpose of the Governance Committee (“the Committee”) is to provide a focus on governance that will enhance the Board’s performance.

  • The Governance Committee shall oversee, and provide advice and direction, to the Board in three primary areas:
    a. Board governance and operations
    b. Finance
    c. Human Resources.
    As well, the Committee will be responsible for such other matters as may be assigned to them from time to time. The Committee Chair shall work with the Chief Officer and the Board Chair in planning Committee meetings and agendas.


Calgary Metropolitan Region Board - Land Use & Servicing Committee

The purpose of the Land Use and Servicing Committee (“the Committee”) is to support the implementation of the Growth and Servicing Plans, and matters related to the Regional Evaluation Framework, once approved by the Minister. The Board may direct the Committee to undertake related additional work or studies. Overall, the Committee is a working committee which makes recommendations to the Board for ultimate approval.

The Land Use and Servicing Committee shall oversee, provide advice and recommendations to the Board and CMRB Administration in the areas of:
a. Implementation of the Growth Plan or Interim Growth Plan
b. Implementation of the Servicing Plan
c. Administration of the Regional Evaluation Framework or Interim Regional Evaluation Framework
d. Other matters, as may be assigned from time to time.


Emergency Management Committee

The Emergency Management Committee advise Council on the development of emergency plans and programs, as required by Section 11 of the Emergency Management Act.

For additional information on board committees go to Home - Board Manager



Upcoming Budget Week

Administration shared a preview of the proposed adjustments to the 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets. The preview provides an early look at the budget that will be presented in November during Budget week. Despite finding efficiencies to maintain the 2025 property tax increase at 3.6 per cent for existing properties, further investments are required to deliver on Council priorities, and maintain current service levels such as aging infrastructure and population growth.

To help maintain projects and services including housing, public safety, transit and infrastructure, Administration is proposing a further 0.9 per cent increase in municipal property tax revenue and an increase to user fees for Water and Waste & Recycling in 2025. See calgary.ca/adjustments for more information.

Calgarians can voice their opinion and help Council identify which are the most important investments by providing written feedback to Council or registering to speak with members of Council in November at calgary.ca/PublicSubmission.

Watch service plans and budget week live, starting at 9:30am on Monday, November 18 video.isilive.ca/play/calgarycc/live


noisy traffic

Vehicle noise and enhancing community safety

Noisy vehicles in the city are a recognized and ongoing problem. In response, Council invested $1.3 million operating base budget and $350,000 capital budget during Service Plan and Budget Adjustments in November 2023 for the creation of the Traffic Safety team and noisy vehicles program.

The Emergency Management and Community Safety (EMCS) Traffic Safety Team have teamed up with Information Technology (IT) to use advanced technology to monitor and analyze noise levels at identified hotspots, based on resident complaints across the city. The acoustic sensor data collected will help the team better understand where vehicle noise is a problem in Calgary and where to guide enforcement efforts.

For this project, small battery-operated sensors measure and regularly send data about noise levels to an application at The City through a long-range low power wireless area network managed by IT, or what's known as a LoRaWAN. The sensor detects and sends data when loud noises go above a certain decibel level for a period of time. The sensor does not record any audio and cannot understand a specific person or have a signature of their voice. This has been reviewed with the Freedom and Information Privacy Office at The City.

There are a total of 40 acoustic monitoring devices to be deployed, including initial devices that were set up on 17 Ave S.W..  While we have gathered complaints on problems on 17th Avenue and other parts of town, this initiative will provide the real-time data needed to pinpoint the areas that need the most attention.  

The EMCS Traffic Safety Team, approved by Council as part of a comprehensive program to address vehicle noise and community traffic safety, will launch later this year. After the collection of baseline noise data, the team’s focus will turn to vehicle noise enforcement in spring 2025.  

Visit our webpage to learn more about how we are using emerging technologies to make life better for Calgarians.  




Sarcee Trail Bow Trail Functional Planning Study

Event type: Open House

The City of Calgary is enhancing safety and improving traffic flow at the intersection and roadways of Sarcee Tr and Bow Tr S.W. During Phase 2 the public will have the opportunity to view concept options, ask questions and provide feedback.

ERU Contact: devin.purdy@calgary.ca

Visit Engage Page

 Session dates:

  • Nov 9, 2024 - Nov 9, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Location: Wildwood Community Association

  • Nov 13, 2024 - Nov 13, 2024 | 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Westgate Community Association

  • Nov 20, 2024 - Nov 20, 2024 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Location: Online


Priority Snow Plan

It is that time of year again that our City becomes blanketed with the dreaded “s” word - snow. Keep up to date with the City’s priority plan, snow and ice clearing progress and road conditions map that can be found here Priority Snow Plan


Home Energy Label Program

The New Home Pilot remains open for enrollment. Builders can opt-in and receive a $250 rebate for each EnerGuide label submitted with Single Construction Permits, up to a maximum of $7,500 per applicant. In addition to receiving rebates, you can trial and provide valuable feedback on the submission process, helping us to shape a process that will work well for you. 

To date, participating builders have enrolled almost 2000 properties.

New Home Pilot for higher density homes

The New Home Pilot is currently available for single-family, semi-detached and duplex buildings included in the Single Construction Permit. We are expanding the program to include multi-residential buildings, specifically rowhouse-style or stacked townhouse-style housing. The expansion will launch as a pilot and rebate period with a move to make it mandatory in the future. Provide your input on the proposed expansion and label submission process before November 1, 2024.

Launching the Home Energy Performance Map

The Home Energy Performance Map is launching this Fall! Tune in to the Calgary Climate Symposium for the launch presentation. The Map is designed to share home energy scores publicly and will enable Calgarians to look up the EnerGuide rating or digital energy scoring of any home in Calgary.

Learn more about the Home Energy Label Program


Green Cart Pick Up Schedule

Beginning the first week of November (November 4 – 8), Waste & Recycling Services will resume the winter green cart collection schedule by transitioning to an every-other-week schedule. This change is seasonal, and regular weekly collections will recommence in April.

You can refer to calgary.ca/collection to view the updated collection schedule, register for timely reminders, or alternatively, download the Calgary Garbage Day app for reminders.


1. Why does the switch over begin in early November?

We know Calgary weather can be a bit unpredictable. In order to keep the Green Cart program costs reasonable, we set the schedule based on when we generally see green cart volumes decline and when snowier conditions tend to hit Calgary – that’s how this year’s schedule was determined.

This schedule is set months in advance to ensure resources, trucks, drivers etc. are in place and we are not able to change it for the current weather conditions.

2. Why isn't the green cart fee reduced during every-other-week pickup in the fall and winter?

Seasonal cost savings from the change to every-other-week green cart collection are included in your monthly green cart fee. The monthly green cart fee is averaged out over the year so that you pay the same fee each month rather than seeing a changing rate throughout the year.

3. Many homes still have leaves on their trees and will have additional yard waste. Shouldn’t the City extend weekly green cart collection a little later in the year?

We try our best to set the programs up to balance the needs for all Calgarians. We recognize that everyone has slightly different needs while others may not have the same issue.

City Council sets the annual cart fees which impacts how the every-other-week schedule is set up. There would be an increased cost that would affect everyone if we did extend weekly green cart service into November.

4. What can I do with extra yard waste?

  • If your green cart is full, you can put extra yard waste in paper yard waste bags for pickup
  • If you consistently have extra yard waste, you can request an "Additional Green Cart" for a fee.
  • If you have extra yard waste, you can also bring it to a City Eco Centre for composting.
  • Free Spring Yard Waste Program - 6 weeks in the Spring
  • Free Fall Yard Waste Program - 6 weeks in the Fall Friday, Sept 20 – Saturday, Nov 2, 2024




Remembrance Day Commemoration

Please join the Ward 6 office and the King’s Own Calgary Regiment on Saturday, November 11, 2024, at 10:45 AM for our annual Remembrance Day ceremony at Battalion Park. Originally named Camp Sarcee in 1915, Battalion Park commemorates the soldiers who trained in Calgary in this area for the trench warfare of World War I. Your attendance at this solemn ceremony is appreciated as we come together in a community moment of silence to reflect on the sacrifices made by the brave Canadian Armed Forces.

Coach Hill/Patterson Heights (CHPH)- https://www.chph.ca/

Samosa Fundraiser - Order Today!

We're back with another tasty fundraiser -- Samosas from the Samosa Factory! As we are a neighbourhood of many diverse cultures, we are pleased to showcase the largest festival in Indian Culture, Diwali.

What is Diwali? Diwali, or Dipawali, is India's biggest and most important holiday of the year. The festival gets its name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness. This festival is as important to Hindus as the Christmas holiday is to Christians. It's a five-day celebration that includes good food (like samosas!), fireworks, coloured sand, and special candles and lamps. Fundraiser information: Accepting Orders - October 10th - October 26th Order Pickup Date - November 4th, 5-7pm (at St. Martin's Church - 1009 Prominence Way SW)

Samosa Menu:

Medium Veggie Samosa Medium Beef Samosa Medium Chicken Samosa Mini Butter Chicken Samosa

Mini Veggie Samosa Fill out the order form below and submit, then we will send an email confirming your order with the total amount due and payment options.


Glenbrook Community Association https://glenbrook.community/

Calling all Christmas shoppers!

The Glenbrook Community Association is excited to be hosting our first annual Holiday Makers Market. Check out a diverse selection of vendors and artisans from the area and get something for everyone on your list. Proceeds from table bookings will be donated to the Veterans Food Bank of Calgary.


Glenbrook Community Association https://glenbrook.community/

Calling all Christmas shoppers!

The Glenbrook Community Association is excited to be hosting our first annual Holiday Makers Market. Check out a diverse selection of vendors and artisans from the area and get something for everyone on your list. Proceeds from table bookings will be donated to the Veterans Food Bank of Calgary.

Ward 6 Office Contact
Email Phone

Booking Meetings

Cindy Aldous, Executive Assistant


Community Concerns

Ralph Smith, Community Assistant   



Suzy Trottier, Communications & Community Liaison


Categories: Battalion Park Remembrance Day, Budget, Committee, Green Cart, Home Energy Label Program, Noisy vehicles, Organization Day, Priority Snow Plan, Sarcee Trail Bow Trail Function Planning Study
