We understand that construction can be disruptive for residents and businesses so we wanted to highlight some of the important work that will be occurring in Ward 7 this season. As such, we would like to take this opportunity to share some of the programs that are planned or already underway in 2024. with Highlights from the 5 major project types.
(All programs included environmental and accessibility considerations during the review and selection process.)
For the full list of Mobility projects happening in Ward 7 and throughout the City please visit Calgary.ca/mobilityprograms

To Improve safety and avoid costly reconstruction, paving rehabilitation will be happening at two locations in your Ward:
- 32 Ave (Crowchild Trail to Shaganappi Trail)
- 4 Ave Flyover Bridge to 3 St

To improve both safety and traffic flows for mtoritists in our communities, we will see 3 new traffic signals at:
- 16 Ave NW & 46 St NW
- 1101 10 St NW
- University Ave NW & Smith St NW

Rectangualr Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at walkways are important for pedestrain safety.
New RRFBs will be placed at:
- 24 Ave NW & 18 St NW
- 5 Ave NW & 23 St NW
- Kensington Rd & 16 St NW
- 2 Ave NW & 19 St NW
- 3 Ave NW & 18 St NW
- 2912 19 St NW

We will see new permanent curb extensions at:
- 5 Ave NW & 27 St NW
- 1 Ave NW @ 7 St & 8 St
- 24 Ave NW & 1 St NW
- Sheldon Pl NW
Temporary extensions located at:
- Exshaw Rd & 24 St NW
- 13 Ave NW @ 4a St NW & 5 St NW
- 30 Ave NW & 2 St NW

We will also see new improvements to keep our communities safer, including:
- Crosswalk improvements at Capitol Hill Cres & Morley Tr,
- Temporary speed hump at Crescent Heights Highschool
Check out all the improvement projects around the City:
Categories: Updates, Ward 7