Residential Parking Permit (RPP) Fees and Updates
Updates on the Visitor Pass - December 18, 2023
The Ward 7 Office has recieved many questions from community members regarding the Residential Parking Permit Visitor Permits and changes to the system following the impletmentation of fees on December 4th.
For any questions about these changes please contact Calgary Parking by following the links below or by viewing the Calgary Parking Website.
Phone: 403-537-7000 (option 2)
Changes to the Residential Parking Permit (RPP) - July 18, 2023
Calgary Parking are responding to resident concerns and to accommodate requests to review parking signage (i.e. addition and removal), parking permit user fees will not be charged until Monday, December 4, 2023. Until then, there is only a fee to obtain a Market Permit or Low-Income Market Permit.
Important: Calgarians only need a parking permit if they want to park on-street where there are parking restriction signs on their block.
If parking restrictions are no longer required on your block, please call 311 or submit an online service request. Requests made by Monday, July 31, 2023 will be reviewed by December 4, 2023 to determine if restrictions can be modified. You will be notified if you do not have to renew your permit.
Below are Calgary Parking's most frequently asked questions about the RPP Program.
For any additional questions or concerns, please contact our office at
Calgary Parking's Frequently Asked Questions
What changes resulted from the July 4 Council Meeting?
- To respond to resident concerns and to accommodate requests to review parking signage, The City will start charging user fees for parking permits on Monday, December 4, 2023.
- Until then, there is only a fee to obtain a Market Permit or Low-Income Market Permit.
- Permits expiring before this date will automatically be extended to allow a 60-day window to renew and pay for the permit once the fees are in place.
- Permit holders do not need to take any action.
- They will see their updated permit expiry reflected in MyParkingServices.
- Starting December 4, 2023, depending on their building’s permit eligibility, residents may be able to renew or apply to purchase a parking permit at the Council approved fee structure.
What is the Residential Parking Permit (RPP) Program?
- The RPP Program is a service Calgarians can request in busy residential areas where parking is in high demand.
- On-Street space is public property. Without the RPP Program, parking on-street would be available to anyone and residents would not have unique parking privileges.
- Residential parking restrictions are implemented by resident request once 80% of a block supports the restriction.
- Once parking restrictions are established, residents can apply for parking permits.
How did we get to today?
- Historically, the first two standard RPPs, along with two visitor permits were provided for free.
- Administrating the parking service costs approximately $1.5m annually, resulting in the program operating at a financial loss.
- This model did not align with the User Fee and Subsidy Policy: that users receiving a benefit pay for that benefit, and principle 2 that The City operates at a cost recovery pricing model.
- As part of the 2015-2018 parking policy workplan, Council asked Administration to review the program.
- There were two phases of public engagement to gather feedback about the program with the intent to improve the parking experience for all Calgarians.
- This input was used to develop the recommended changes to the program that were presented and approved by Council in 2021.
- As a result, the program is moving to a full cost-recovery model with the introduction of user fees that remian comparable to other residential parking permit programs in the country and brings it into alignment with the User Fee and Subsidy Policy.
- As part of the changes, parking permit eligibility is now based on building type.
- Managing the costs of parking permits encourages residents to consider off-street parking options as well as other transportation options, while balancing the need for providing convenient parking options for people who need to drive.
What are the current Council Approved user fees for each building type?

Why are residents being charged a user fee for this service?
- The program is in place to manage on-street parking, not to generate revenue.
- The user fee is intended to recover the cost of administering the program.
- It is based on projections that reflect how many permits would be requested if a fee is attached rather than the number of free permits currently issued.
- Calgary Parking expect a reduction in the number of parking permits issued as they review restrictions and Calgarians make a value decision on wheter they need to purchase a permit compared to receiving a free permit.
- Requiring fees for this service is in line with most Canadian muncipalities and brings the program into alignment with the User Fee and Subsidy Policy.
What if residents do not want to purchase a parking permit?
- If residents do not want to park on-street, they do not have to purchase a permit.
- Residents ONLY need to purchase a parking permit if they live in a RPZ and want to park on-street where there are parking restrictions.
- If a resident lives in a RPZ but there are no parking restrictions on their block, a parking permit is NOT required to park on-street.
- Many resticted parking zones only apply on specific days or times.
- For example, signs might indicate restricted parking 08:00 - 17:00 Monday - Friday. In these areas, you can park in the evening and on weekends.
How to modify parking restrictions on your block?
- Residents may decide that parking restrictions are not needed on their block.
- If parking restrictions are no longer required on your block, please call 311 or submit an online service request using the drop-down promts below:
- For 'nature of your concern' sekect 'residential parking'
- For 'specify your residential parking inquiry', select 'add/modify parking sign'

Can there be exceptions to the process to make it easier for residents to remove parking restrictions from their block so they don’t have to go through the process twice?
- Occasionally, exceptions are considered to remove parking restrictions entirely from 'no parking except by permit' and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- Removing restrictions without sufficient evaluation may result in an influx of on-street parking and prompt residents to request adding parking restrictions again.
How do other cities address parking permits for large multi-residential buildings?
- This can vary by city.
- in some cities, large buildings are not eligible for on-street parking permits because they often have parking on-site.
- In other cities, they may be eligible, but need to compete for a limited amount of street parking.
How is the program currently funded?
- Without user fees, the program is funded by general parking revenue (lots, parkades, and ParkPlus zones) that would otherwise be used for broader community investments like events, enhanced public spaces and neighbourhood improvements.
- Examples include: 5A Network, Stephen Avenue Masterplan and Crescent Heights Magic Walk.
Why can’t RPP ticket revenue fund the program?
- As per the Parking Policy, 100 per cent of net revenue from parking enforcement activities goes directly to The City and is not used to fund administering the RPP Program.
What data was used to determine the cost-recovery model?
- As with all street parking, managing parking demand is the primary goal, not to generate revenue.
- Without user fees, the program is funded by general parking revenue (lots, parkades and ParkPlus zones) that would otherwise be used for broader community investments like events, enhanced public spaces and neighbourhood improvements.
- Data used to determine the cost-recovery model is based on the actual costs to deliver the program and the projected revenue based on actual permits issued.
- The model accounts for a reduction in permit levels once the fees are in place.
- The costs to deliver the program include:
- Customer service staff who review permit applications, determine permit eligibility and liaise with permit holders;
- Software development and enhancements that allow residents to apply for and manage permits;
- Parking signage along with traffic engineering work; and
- Enforcement.
Fast Facts
- Of the ~ four percent of households across Calgary that hold standard RPPs, half of them have just one permit. Under the fees, thes homes would pay $50 per year, or approximately 14 cents a day for their parking permit.
- ~800 households (4 per cent) currently have the maximum number of standard RPPs (three standard RPPs for personal use and an additional two for visitors). Under the new fees, the annual cost for these five permits is $400, about $1.10 per day.
Categories: Budget, General, Parking, Roads, Transportation, Updates, Ward 7