Latest news - Ward 7
51 articles found.
November 4, 2022
This Year One Reflection is a summary of Cllr Terry Wong's first year in the Ward 7 Office including the actions and considerations have taken to represent you and your community in Ward 7. You will also be able to download the creative Ward 7 map for your leisure use.
October 7, 2022
On Wednesday, October 6, Council approved the proposed amendments to the Land Use Bylaw with a 9-6 Council vote; outlined in IPC2022-0989 with a change to the proposed parking rate from 0.375 to 0.5 per a unit and suite.
August 10, 2022
The community consultation the DI conducted is an early stage of the process and there is not yet approval by their organization’s leadership to implement the OPS at their facility. We want to confirm with you that more work must happen prior to even reaching the approval stage with the Ministry of Alberta Health, Alberta Health Services, and the Board of Directors at the DI.
August 9, 2022
The City of Calgary has recently completed some work along 29 Street NW service road near the intersection of 13 Ave NW to improve mobility and enhance safety.
July 6, 2022
On Tuesday June 7, City Council will receive Administrations report on Climate Change Strategy – Pathway to 2050 for deliberation and a vote. I have listened to the Ward 7 constituents, public hearing speakers, and Administration over the past few weeks and have formulated my opinion..
July 4, 2022
Canada Day is not only a time for celebration, but also reflection about Canada's wholistic history.
June 27, 2022
Second Council of Communities to connect all Community Associations [CA] and Business Improvement Areas [BIA] in Ward 7