Ward 9 - Gian-Carlo Carra

Winter 2025 Newsletter


Last Call: Enter the Ward 9 Kids Drawing Contest by March 16th!

Calling all Creative Kids!  Enter the final round of our kids drawing contest today!

What is your favourite thing in Ward 9?

Maybe you know of the best local place to eat or a delicious neighbourhood treat? Do you have a cool nearby park or an epic playground? Perhaps you love your school or have a special place your family always visits? Whatever you love about Ward 9, we want to hear about it!

Draw or paint a picture of your favourite thing and share it with the Ward 9 office for a chance to win some awesome prizes!

PLUS: your piece of art could be featured on an upcoming Ward 9 map.

To enter, simply email a photograph of your creation to caward9@calgary.ca and include:

  • your first name
  • age
  • a brief description of what your artwork is about and why you love it!

This contest is open to all Calgary residents under the age of 14 and will run until March 16, 2025. Winners will be contacted by email soon after the contest closes.

Thank you to our great community partners and friends helping to share this project with kids in Ward 9 communities. Pop by any of the following spots, spend some time checking out they have to offer, and grab a contest entry sheet to streamline your creating process while you’re there.

Happy creating!


Council Approves GamePLAN: Reimagining Public Recreation

Last week, City Council approved the Community Development Committee's (CDC) recommendation to adopt the Making Waves scenario from GamePLAN. This decision marks a significant step forward in reimagining Calgary's public recreation system.

GamePLAN, a city-wide vision and strategic framework, addresses challenges for the public recreation system posed by Calgary's aging recreation facilities, rising operational costs and growing population. With most of Calgary’s public recreation facilities being over 35 years old, the need for sustainable investment has never been more critical.

Learn more about the future of public recreation, including answers to many FAQ’s, by visiting calgary.ca/GamePLAN.


Jane's Walk 2025 - Sign up to Lead a Community Walking Tour!

Are you passionate about a certain Calgary community, its stories, design, or people? Consider hosting a Jane’s Walk! Happening May 2-3-4, 2025.

Jane’s Walk is a global event of free neighbourhood walking tours held in cities around the world each May - inspired by urbanist and activist, Jane Jacobs.

Walk leaders are invited to host in-person guided group Jane’s Walks on any topic that is of interest to them - anybody and everybody can lead and participate.

If you have an idea for a walk, or if you’re new to Jane’s Walk and would like to learn more about how to plan and organize a guided tour, check out the Jane’s Walk Calgary website for more details, including in-person and virtual workshops on how to host your walk.

Photo by @thirdphotography_calgary from Cllr Carra’s 2024 Jane’s Walk. Stay tuned for more details on how to register for this year’s event.


Three Things you May Not Know About the Calgary Drop-in Centre

Earlier this month, Team Ward 9 was invited to visit the Calgary Drop-In Centre (DI) to learn more about their programs, services, and future goals. It was an eye-opening and informative visit, highlighting the incredible work being done to support some of Calgary’s most vulnerable residents.

Providing services to adults at risk of or experiencing homelessness, the DI works collaboratively with community partners to offer a broad spectrum of care, including emergency shelter, health programs, and housing options—all designed to help people find their way home. From providing immediate relief to those in crisis to facilitating long-term housing stability, the DI’s comprehensive approach ensures that individuals receive the personalized support they need at every stage of their journey.

Click through to learn three things you may not know about the DI.


Start Planning Your Summer Garden

With warmer temperatures in the air, now is the perfect time to start planning your garden! Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, check out some of these great events to help make planning (and learning) even easier!

Street Sisters Seed Fundraiser
Street Sisters is a Calgary-based outreach organization focused on providing basic needs to women experiencing homelessness. They have partnered with West Coast Seeds to run a seed sale fundraiser. Feb 28th is the last day to order seeds and help support Street Sisters important work. Learn more.

Southview Seed Swap - March 13, 6:30-8:00pm
The Southview Garden Crew is hosting a community seed swap on March 13th. Open to everyone, bring any seeds you may have to swap with neighbours. They will have a certified horticulturalist at the event to talk about seed starting and best practices for growing in Calgary. Learn more.

Seedy Saturday - March 22, 10am-3pm
Calgary Seedy Saturday is keeping the skill of growing from seed to seed alive in our city. Part of the worldwide Seedy Saturday/Sunday events that celebrate open-pollinated seeds, this year’s event is happening Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 10am to 3pm at Bowness Community Association (7904 43 Ave NW, Calgary AB T3B 4P9). This is a free, drop-in event. Learn more.

Calgary Seed Library
Check out the Calgary Seed Library and their growing collection of seeds, available to growers of all experience levels. Take what you need and leave what you have. Located in the basement of the Next Page Bookstore - 1217A 9 Ave SE. They also have tons of great events to learn, connect and grow throughout the year. Learn more.

Green Calgary’s Annual Rain Barrel Sales - Coming in April
Green Calgary's annual Rain Barrel Sale is a Calgary tradition! Join the Every Drop Counts campaign to reduce your outdoor water use this season and give your plants the soft, natural water they love! Pickup Dates and locations for pre-orders are coming soon! Check greencalgary.ca April 1st!


Community Engagement Opportunities with ARAC

The Anti-Racism Action Committee (ARAC) was formed in 2020 to help support the learning, action, and ever-present need to combat systemic racism in Calgary. They are a diverse group of Calgarians who advise Council and provide leadership on developing and implementing a community-based anti-racism strategy.

In response to community concern about the increasing amount of hate directed toward South-Asian communities and the drastic changes occurring within social services and the lack of resources available for vulnerable groups across Calgary, ARAC will be hosting two community engagement sessions to voice out these concerns in a respectful and safe manner. All are welcome to take part in these conversations.

Addressing South-Asian Hate in Calgary - March 7th from 4:30 - 7:15pm
Eyes on Social Services Round Table Discussion - March 9th from 12pm - 4pm
To learn more or RSVP to attend either event, please email: arac@calgary.ca


52 Street East BRT Functional Planning Study

The City of Calgary is undertaking a Functional Planning Study for the 52 Street East corridor to transform Bus Route 23 into a high-quality Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route.

This initiative is part of Calgary Transit’s long-term strategic plan, Route Ahead, and focuses on a 30 km stretch of 52 Street East, from Saddletowne Circle in Saddle Ridge to Seton. The upgraded service will provide faster, more reliable transit, with upgraded station amenities similar to the MAX routes, connecting key destinations for work, living, and recreation.

The study will also explore the possibility of extending the MAX Teal route from the Douglas Glen terminal to the 52 Street East BRT, to improve transfer convenience.

For more information, including dates for in-person workshops and pop-up events, visit engage.calgary.ca/52BRT or email engage@calgary.ca.

MAX Purple East Extension Functional Planning Study

We’re excited to see an expansion of the MAX Purple bus rapid transit (BRT) further east, improving transit for communities along 17 Avenue SE and connecting to Belvedere. This extension will create a faster, easier, and more reliable way for Calgarians to travel in East Calgary, including enhanced pedestrian and cyclist access to transit in the area.

For more information, including dates for in-person workshops and pop-up events

visit engage.calgary.ca/MaxPurple or email engage@calgary.ca.



Our website is updated often. Visit your community page to learn about projects and updates happening in your neighbourhood, or the main W9 news feed for information that’s applicable to a broader Calgary audience.

Check out gccarra.ca to learn more.

Categories: Newsletter
