17 Ave. S.E. Bus Rapid Transit
Another flagship transportation infrastructure project we’re bringing to East Calgary is the 17 AVE SE Bus Rapid Transit.
17 AVE SE bus rapid transit (BRT) and dedicated transit bridge is a long-awaiting and much needed development. The route will connect East Calgary to the downtown and, more importantly, the downtown to East Calgary. This project is currently underway and will be complete in 2018.

Phase 1: 28 Street SE to Hubalta Road SE
Phase 1: 28 Street SE to Hubalta Road SE
17 Ave S.E. is culturally diverse and unique, and The City is working to maintain that. We are:
- Constructing dedicated bus lanes on 17 Avenue S.E. between 28 Street S.E. and Hubalta Road S.E.
- Building new BRT stations, which will include: canopies for shelter, enhanced lighting, real time travel information, heated waiting areas, and furnishings.
- Rebuilding and revitalizing infrastructure on 17 Avenue S.E. including wider sidewalks, boulevards, and landscaping.

Dedicated bus lanes added to the median of International Avenue.
Phase 2: 28 Street SE to 9 Avenue SE
Phase 2: 28 Street SE to 9 Avenue SE
The City is moving forward with construction of the 17 Avenue S.E. BRT between 9 Avenue SE and 28 Street SE. We are:
- Building dedicated bus lanes between 9 Avenue S.E. to 28 Street S.E.
- Constructing bridge structures across the Bow River, Western Headworks Canal and Deerfoot Trail.
- Building new BRT stations with canopies, heated areas and real-time travel information.
- At-grade road crossings at 19 Street S.E. and 26 Street S.E. on the south side of 17 Avenue S.E., and a modified intersection at 28 Street S.E. to move busses from the median lane to the south side of 17 Avenue and onto the separated roadway that will be constructed as part of phase 2.
- Creating pedestrian and cyclist connections, with a multi-use pathway running parallel to the BRT lanes, including connections to pathways at the Western Headwaters Canal and the Bow River.

Bus bridge and Multi-Use Pathway crosses the Bow River.