Excess pet permit

The Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw limits pet ownership to a maximum of six cats and/or six dogs per household.

Pet ownership limitations help limit community issues, including the accumulation of pet waste or noise due to excessive barking on properties with a large numbers of cats and/or dogs.

The City of Calgary will grant excess animal permits to households where reasonable and accommodate breeders and animal foster households. 

For pet owners seeking to exceed the ownership limit, all pets must be licensed and the Excess animal permit application must be filled out completely.

Once the application is completed, submit it with the 311 service request for consideration.

Once submitted the application will be considered and approved by the Chief Bylaw Officer.

If you need to license an animal that is fewer than a 7th dog, or a 7th cat, please click here to purchase a regular animal license.

The excess animal applications do not need to be renewed, however if an animal is not licensed on an annual basis, or if there are concerns or complaints, the application can be reviewed and revoked.

Professional Dog Walker permit

As of September 30, 2022 under the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, if a person wants to walk more than six dogs at a time off leash they will require a professional dog walker permit.

This will ensure that people walking larger numbers of dogs off leash have the proper training and/or experience to do so safely, contributing to a positive off leash park dog experience for the whole community.

To obtain a permit you will be required to provide at least one of the following:

  • City of Calgary business licence related to a dog business (eg. Kennel Service/Pet Dealer licence type)
  • Proof of 1+ years of self-employment as a dog walker
  • Proof of employment of 1+ years as a dog walker (a letter from your employer)
  • Relevant training certification (dog trainer, training in dog behaviour, animal science, animal health, canine assessment or other relevant course work)

Proof of employment can be provided via a letter from the employer or a self-declaration letter if self-employed.

You will also need to provide answers to the following questions:

  • What is your strategy for waste removal of pets in your care?
  • Please describe your process surrounding arriving at and departing the off-leash park
  • How do you identify new dogs as suitable for your services?
  • Have you committed a bylaw offence under Part 3 of the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw 47M2021 or 23M2006?

Walking more than six dogs off leash at a time in an off leash park is regulated under Section 11.1 of the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. 

Report concerns or direct questions to 311.

Temporary Livestock Permit

The Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw allows a person to temporarily keep livestock within Calgary through an approved permit. The permit cost can be found on the license and permit fee schedule, and must be applied for and approved by The City of Calgary prior to the animal entering city limits. The applicant must submit a site plan, details of housing, and signed declaration, as some of the requirements under the bylaw. For further details, call 311

Example: A temporary livestock permit is needed if an animal (considered under the bylaw definition of livestock) is staying in Calgary to visit someone for pet therapy.

For people seeking to keep livestock in Calgary temporarily, please fill out this application for your permit be considered. 
