Park of the week - Inglewood Bird Sanctuary
Things to keep in mind while enjoying the outdoors
- Maintain physical distancing: minimum 2 metres or 6 feet (the length of a bicycle) away from fellow explorers.
- Take nothing but photos and leave nothing but footprints.
- Only venture outside if you're feeling healthy and not exhibiting any symptoms
The Inglewood Bird Sanctuary is a picturesque park that runs along the Bow River in the bustling southwest community of Inglewood. It is home to countless migratory birds and wildlife. This nature hub has been promoting the conservation of our Calgarian critters for more than 80 years.
This is a beautiful place right in the heart of the city, where there is a chance to see wildlife that can’t be seen anywhere else.
Historic Value
In 1883, Colonel James Walker settled on the land and named the very prominent property in the area "Inglewood". Colonel Walker's son, Selby, transformed the 59 acres of land into what we know today as the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. In 1970, The City of Calgary purchased the property and has been managing it as a natural reserve ever since. Inglewood Bird Sanctuary plays a crucial role in the historical development and conservation of Calgary’s wildlife.
Be on the Lookout
The black-capped chickadee can be found throughout the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary year-round. It communicates with over 15 different songs; including the well-known “chickadee-dee-dee-dee” sound where these little birds received their name. Chickadees live in small groups and make their nests in tiny holes in rotting trees. They feed on insects, berries and seeds. They don’t migrate, so they store fat to survive and stay in their warm homes when they sense a snowy blizzard is coming.
No dogs on site
Unfortunately, no dogs are permitted at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. Our birds and wildlife get spooked easily and make their homes near pathways. Creating a safe space for wildlife to nest, free from pets, ensures wildlife come back to our parks. Check out Inglewood or Southwood off-leash areas for some riverside dog exploration fun.
Did you know?
The Red Osier Dogwood is a distinct, year-round, red barked shrub found commonly at the sanctuary. This shrub thrives near water sources such as the Bow River, but also can be found in drier environments too.
This shrub is a sign of survival for wildlife; providing food and shelter year-round for inhabitants of the sanctuary. Berries are produced frequently by, providing a food source for many varieties of birds. The more sun the Red Osier Dogwood gets, the more berries are produced for wildlife. The red bark is also a favourite treat in the winter for beavers, hares and squirrels.