SCYYC for organizations
Criteria for organizations to be listed in the database
- Organization is a government or a registered not-for-profit.
- Organization must have adequate liability insurance and will maintain coverage throughout the duration of the program offered.
- Program must address an existing need of students and/or their families.
- All fees are 100% waived upon request.
- At least one on-site staff member must have a valid first aid certificate.
- All program staff members and volunteers have completed a Police Information Check, including Vulnerable Sector Search verification, and are cleared to work with children and youth.
Deadlines for submitting programs to the database
Applications to access free space in schools for an after-school program are welcome anytime. To ensure your applications are reviewed in a timely fashion, please follow these timelines for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Form | Due Date |
Organization Pre-screen Form | submit by end of February 2023 |
Program Pre-screen Form | submit by end of February 2023 |
Access Applications | submit by beginning of May 2023 |
How to apply
Step 1 – Register for a myID business account
Prior to participating in SCYYC, all organizations must have a myID business account. myID is an online service that provides citizens and business owners access to multiple City services using a single account.
After a myID business account has been set up, organizations can access the SCYYC portal.

Step 2 – Complete the prescreening & application forms
- Organizations complete the Organization Pre-screen Form to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria. Criteria is listed above.
- Once the organization has been approved, they complete a Program Pre-screening Form for each individual program that will be listed on the database or accessing school space.
- Submit an Access Application. Organizations will apply for each program to each school they would like to offer that program in.
Forms are available from the SCYYC portal. You must have a myCity ID to sign in.
Once the approval process for applications has been completed organizations will receive a rental agreement/permit from The City of Calgary.
For liability reasons, organizations MUST have their permit in hand to enter schools for program delivery.

How to submit programs to the database
Instructions for accessing and using the School Connections YYC portal are available in two convenient formats.
Related information
An account used to interact with City online services such as, permitting, approval and licensing.
Online hub for connecting not-for-profit and government organizations with schools.
Free or low-cost programs for children and youth offered at various recreation facilities, community centres and schools.