Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

If we respond to a fire alarm and it turns out that the call was the result of a non-emergency situation or faulty alarm system, we classify it as a false alarm. We may charge a fee for responding to a false alarm, but we do not charge fees for calls where there is an active fire or if the fire has been put out prior to our arrival.

Most false fire alarms can be prevented by maintaining or modifying the alarm system.

False alarm fees

False alarm fees are charged to the property owner, business owner, alarm supplier, property manager or person responsible. The fees are based on the number of false alarms that occur in a building or parcel of land in one calendar year:

  • First: No Charge
  • Second: $500
  • Third: $1000
  • Four or more: $1500/alarm

It is mandatory to have a fire inspection done by a Fire Safety Codes Officer if you have four or more false alarms in one calendar year.

The routing of security alarms to the Fire Department is prohibited and will be subject to a fee of $2000 for each alarm.

False alarm rebates

Applications for rebates will be accepted after each false alarm fee payment or at the end of each calendar year for all false alarm payments. ​

Print and complete the Fire Fees Rebate Form and attach all invoices and documents related to the rebate. Mail the form and all documents to the address below before March 1 of the year following your fine.

Fire Fees Rebate Program
Calgary P.O. Box 2100, Stn. M, #49
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 2M5
Attn: False Alarm Rebate​​​​​​

Please refer to the bylaw​ for Fire Operations and Fees for further information.
