Development and Building Professionals Hub
Common applications
Changing a land use district
Dividing a parcel of land
Construction drawing review process including Construction Drawing Minor Revision
New buildings and additions to existing buildings
Interior and exterior renovations, structural changes
Changes to the property not exempt from the requirement of the Land Use Bylaw
An overview of the Building Permit Process, including steps and how decisions are made.
Commercial projects that require building demolition or removal
View all application types
Find application information, how to apply, timelines, and links to applying online.
Approval timelines
We're looking forward to working with you to meet your development, building, and licensing approval goals on time.
For more information, please review our approval timelines or consider one of the following options:

New to the application process?
Getting started with development & building can be easy with The City. Businesses can submit permit applications through one of our online tools.
Start here-
What would make your experience better?
ApplyCentral now available for Infrastructure Construction Drawings
Infrastructure Construction Drawings (CD) application submissions are now available in our intuitive new portal, ApplyCentral.
A myID business account is required to access ApplyCentral. Easily apply, review, submit, resubmit and see the status of your application anytime, from anywhere. You can also submit and apply for construction permissions.
*CD applications will no longer be supported on the VISTA platform after February 28, 2023.
Tools and resources
Requirements for your application
What has changed recently for applications
Determine fees for building and development permits
Corporate Planning Applications Group contact info
Planning publications, policies, bylaws
Rules and regulations for development of land in Calgary
Learn about MyID accounts, register, and FAQs
Find planning-related records, plans and data for Calgary properties
Current development applications across Calgary including utility information.
Information on land use designations, direct control area, development and building permits, and more for each property.
Illustrates the estimated load capacity available within the ENMAX distribution service territory.
Shows areas at risk of river flooding.
Shows locations where development outlined in the AVPA regulation is prohibited based on Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) areas.
Shows which parcel(s) are impacted by one or more policy plans and links to each document.
What's new
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Contact us
Planning Services Centre
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Live chat:
Call: 403-268-5311
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Development Applications Review Team (DART)
Find DART staff to contact about specific applications.