Development and Building Professionals Hub

Consulting engineer’s field services guidelines

The 2025 Consulting Engineer’s Field Services Guidelines outlines the minimum level of services required for infrastructure construction, installation and inspection. The guidelines ensure that infrastructure such as utilities, improvements, streetlights, and boulevards comply with City of Calgary standards. Requirements and processes related to the Construction Completion Certificate (CCC) and Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) are also outlined in detail.

Subdivision Utility forms

Construction commencement notification - Water resources

Certificate inspection request and appointment confirmation

Construction completion checklist sheet - Sanitary/storm sewers

Construction completion checklist sheet - Water mains and hydrants

Construction completion checklist sheet - Sewer and water service connections

Construction completion inspection approval sheet - Underground utilities

Construction completion inspection approval sheet - Stormwater facilities - Inspection services

Construction completion certificate submission checklist - Underground utilities

Construction completion certificate submission checklist - Stormwater facilities

Final acceptance inspection approval sheet - Underground utilities

Final acceptance inspection approval sheet - Stormwater facilities - Inspection services

Final acceptance certificate submission checklist - Underground utilities

Final acceptance certificate submission checklist - Stormwater facilities

Construction completion inspection approval sheet - Paved roads (Water resources)

PDS - Development Engineering Utility Specialist (DE-US) forms

Development approvals pond CCC signoff - Checklist #7

Construction completion inspection approval sheet - Stormwater facilities - Development approvals

Final acceptance inspection approval sheet - Stormwater facilities - Development approvals

Development approvals pond FAC signoff - Checklist #8

Historical editions of Consulting Engineers Field Services Guidelines

2020 Consulting Engineers Field Services Guidelines
