A Pre-application is a voluntary process where a prospective applicant may present a development proposal to The City for review and comment, prior to a formal application being submitted. The City currently offers two types of Pre-application services:
- Non-paid Pre-application: A planning-only Pre-application consists of questions to Planning and Development Services (Planners or Senior Planning Technicians only) and will not require a fee. Contact the Planning Services Centre at (403) 268-5311 or
- Development Applications Review Team (DART) Pre-application: A Pre-application with DART review involves circulating the file to multiple generalists and specialists for consultation and a formal response, preceding a potential development of a site, and requires a $1000 fee.
Development Applications Review Team (DART) Pre-applications are strongly recommended on all major, complex, or controversial outline plan, subdivision, land use amendment and development permit applications. Having a DART Pre-application can help identify major issues with the proposal, as well as identify supplemental technical information that will be required to accompany the formal application.
A Development Applications Review Team (DART) Pre-application is submitted online through Click on the following for the Complete application requirement list and how-to guide.
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Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:15 p.m
We are changing our business hours to 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (MT) on Nov. 12, 2024.
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Development approvals review team
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