Prepare your family and home for an emergency
Being prepared can go a long way in assisting you, your family, and community when an emergency event occurs. Knowing what to do beforehand can help reduce the stress of an emergency situation. Knowing what types of disasters can affect your area will help your plan.
Types of disasters
When planning you should know what types of emergencies or disasters can occur where you live. We have put together a list of the types of disasters that affect Calgary.
Emergency alerts
There are many ways you can obtain information during an emergency or disaster. You can monitor local media through a television set or radio, you can check for alerts through social media and you can monitor the situation on various websites. Learn more.
Prepare your Home video series
There are simple actions you can take to prepare and protect your home and family in the event of an emergency. Check out our video series for tips to prepare your home. The videos are available in multiple languages including ASL.
Make an emergency action plan
An emergency action plan is a tool that allows you to engage in conversations with your family, friends and possibly even community to create a plan that will support you and your loved ones during an emergency or disaster. A good plan will reduce stress for those involved, improve your ability to react and increase communication. All this will ultimately reduce the impact of the situation. Making a plan will ensure that you and your family members know what to do.
How to prepare your home
Reduce home hazards
Reduce the hazards in your home before an emergency occurs. Begin with these simple steps and learn more through our Home Safety Program.
- Keep a fire extinguisher on every floor of your home and an extra one in the kitchen.
- Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms should be outside of every bedroom and on every level of your home.
- Know how to turn off utilities. This includes the power, gas, and water supplied to your home.
- Ensure there is proper drainage around your home to help reduce the possibility of flooding. Learn other tips to help prepare your home for flooding.
- Identify the potential hazards on your property. Secure unstable materials around your property, such as bikes, patio furniture, potted plants and fuel tanks. Keep your roof clean and free of debris, and check for loose shingles on a regular basis.
- Install surge protectors or unplug devices before a storm to prevent damage to electronic devices. Have at least one corded landline phone, as cordless handsets will not work during a power outage. If applicable, make plans for any assistive technology or medical devices you use.
Review insurance policies
Property damage can be devastating. Having adequate coverage can help you recover as quickly as possible. Remember that your insurance broker and claims representatives are there to help you and to answer your questions.
Insurance is a critical part of your emergency action plan. It’s important to review your coverage, and if you have any special equipment coverage for things like wheelchairs, mobility equipment, etc, should be discussed before disaster strikes.
- For homeowners: Homeowner insurance policies normally cover the building and its contents for direct loss or damage caused by insured perils. Knowing the types of risks that could occur will help you ensure adequate coverage when reviewing your home insurance policies annually with your carrier.
- For renters and tenants: Landlord’s insurance almost never covers the tenant’s possessions (such as furniture, clothing, electronics, and other personal items). If you are a tenant, purchase insurance to protect your personal possessions. Tenant insurance is far less costly than paying to replace all your belongings. An insurance carrier can confirm the wide variety of insurance policies and coverage available.
- Additional coverage: Your insurance policy may cover “additional living expenses.” This coverage applies when your dwelling is damaged by an insured peril, and when the damage is sufficient to make the dwelling unfit for occupancy, or requires you to move out while repairs are being made. Ask your adjuster if this applies to you.
As a Calgarian, you are no stranger to quickly evolving weather patterns. Knowing what your insurance covers will help lessen the impact of damage and loss.
Summer and Spring storms
Heavy rain can cause pooling, overflowing rivers and runoffs, and flooding. These events may result in evacuations, power outages, supply shortages, traffic obstructions and road closures, infrastructure damage and debris. Recovering from flooding is costly. Having adequate insurance can help you recover as quickly as possible.
Hail forms in the core of a thunderstorm and is most common between May and October in Calgary. Hail can hit the ground at 130 kilometres per hour, causing severe damage to people, crops, houses and vehicles. Hailstones as large as grapefruits have been reported in Canada, but even smaller hail can cause extensive damage in a matter of minutes. Before the next severe storm, check with your insurance representative to ensure your policy is up-to-date and includes the appropriate levels of coverage.
Calgary is prone to high winds which can be dangerous. Flying debris, downed trees, and power lines can lead to power outages, property damage, air and transit disruptions and serious injury. Windstorms in Calgary can happen anytime; good indicators of high winds include thunderstorms, intense low-pressure centres, cold fronts, and Chinook arches. Review your insurance coverage for storm and weather damage before the high-wind season.
Year round
Fire can destroy your home, possessions or your livelihood. Fire, smoke and water from sprinklers can cause extensive damage to your property. Knowing what your insurance covers before a fire happens can limit the impact it has on your future.
For more information on how to prepare, visit
Build a 72-hour emergency kit
During an emergency, responders may be busy assisting those in immediate need. Building a 72-hour emergency kit will enable you to better manage an emergency situation. This kit holds supplies to support you, your family, and pets in the event of an emergency. Include any food tailored to dietary restrictions, and make sure that your kit is wheeled and easily accessed.

Hazards in your neighbourhood
Being prepared for an emergency situation leads to stronger, more resilient communities. Download our Community Preparedness booklet and learn some simple, easy ways to help your neighbours.
Preparedness is a shared responsibility – everyone needs to do their part to ensure their and others’ safety. The safest and most resilient communities:
- Know what risks exist in their communities
- Have residents who can help themselves and each other
- Are prepared to build back after a disaster to reduce the impact of future disasters
- Know that safety and resiliency is a long-term strategy and a shared responsibility
Individual and community-focused programs
We offer an emergency management program called Ready Calgary that is designed to educate, engage and empower Calgarians to take action in regard to emergency preparedness in order to be resilient during times of stress caused by emergencies and disasters.