Calgary Firefighters (IAFF 255) benefits

​View the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Benefit Rate Sheet​ for 2025

Benefit premiums -  2025 bi-weekly rates


​Plan ​Single rate ​Family rate
Plan: ​Extended Health Care (EHC)* including vision & travel - shared 30% employee, 70% City​ Single rate: ​Employee portion: $19.82
City portion: $46.26
Family rate: ​Employee portion: $54.40
City portion: $126.94
Plan: ​Dental - shared 20% employee, 80% City Single rate: ​​Employee portion: $6.05
City portion: $24.18
Family rate: ​Employee portion: $18.18
City portion: $72.70
Plan: ​Basic group life insurance Single rate: ​City pays 2X annual salary at $0.03692 per $1,000. 
Employee pays optional 1X annual salary at $0.03692 per $1,000​.
Plan: ​Optional life Single rate: ​Employee paid, per table rate ​ ​
Plan: ​Short-term disability (S&A) Single rate: ​City paid through payroll​ ​
Plan: ​Long-term disability (LTD) Single rate: ​Employee paid at 1.350% of base salary, service pay and statutory pay​ ​

* The EHC rates also include an increment for employment insurance (EI) rebate.​

Pension Contributions - 2025

​Plan ​Employee contributions
Plan: ​Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP) Employee contributions: ​7.45% of earnings up to YMPE*
10.65% of earnings over YMPE*
*2025 Yearly Maximum Pensionable Earnings ($71,300)
Plan: ​Calgary Firefighters Supplementary Pension Plan (FSPP) Employee contributions: ​2.55% of earnings​

IAFF benefit summary

Extended Health Plan

Insurance carrier: Alberta Blue Cross​​

For more information on the "usual and customary fee limits", contact Alberta Blue Cross at 1-800-661-6995

​Plan ​Coverage
Plan: ​Prescription drugs Coverage: ​100% coverage with $5 dispensing fee cap- least cost alternative drugs - pay direct card
Vaccines covered to $250 per person per year
Smoking cessation drugs covered to $200 per person per lifetime
Plan: ​Hospital Coverage: ​100% private or semi-private room
Plan: Health services Coverage: ​100% on medical supplies and services with some limits on specific services
Plan: Paramedical services  Coverage: ​Usual and customary fee limit per visit to a $500 maximum per year/per person/per practitioner for:
Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Podiatry/Chiropody, Speech Language Therapy
Plan: ​Physiotherapy Coverage: ​Usual and customary fee limit per visit to a $1,500 maximum per year/per person
Plan: ​Psychologist/master social work Coverage: ​Usual and customary fee limit per visit to a $2,500 annual maximum per person
Limited to 1 visit per day except for assessment
Plan: ​Vision Coverage: $400 every 24 months per person for prescription eyeglasses or sunglasses, contact lens & intraocular lens and laser eye surgery
Plan: Out of province/country emergency medical travel plan Coverage: ​100% coverage for the first 90 days, $5 million maximum per incident
Plan: ​Annual maximum Coverage: ​$2 million per person for all above services, excluding out of province/country emergency medical travel plan

Dental Plan

Insurance carrier: Alberta Blue Cross​​


​Plan ​Coverage
Plan: Basic services Coverage: ​100% coverage, subject to Usual & Customary Fee Guide with some limits on specific services
Plan: ​Extensive services Coverage: ​80% coverage for crowns, dentures, and some periodontal services
Plan: ​Annual maximum Coverage: ​$1,750 basic and extensive combined per participant
Plan: ​Orthodontia (child only) Coverage: ​50% coverage with lifetime max
$2,500 per dependent ages 7 to 19​
Plan: ​Preauthorization amount Coverage: ​$800

Life Insurance Plan

Insurance carrier: Sun Life Financial

​Plan ​Coverage
Plan: ​Basic Coverage: ​2X base pay to maximum of $600,000
P 921 - Basic - Change of Beneficiary form
Plan: ​Supplemental Coverage: ​Additional 1X base pay available at hire only; combined with basic life maximum; 100% employee paid
Plan: Employee and spouse optional life Coverage: ​Employee coverage available in $10,000 units to a maximum of 4x pay or $600,000; Spouse coverage in $10,000 units to a $200,000 maximum; completion of medical questionnaire required; 100% employee paid based on age, gender and smoking status.​
P 922 - Option​al - Change of Beneficiary form​

Short Term Disability (S&A) Plan

Claims Manager:  Homewood Health​

​​Plan ​Coverage
Plan: ​Benefit Coverage: ​90% base pay to 119 days
Plan: ​Attending Physician Statement (APS) FD1355

S&A information sheet
Coverage: ​Required for more than 2 consecutive working days of absence for those on platoon schedule.
Required for more than 5 consecutive working days of absence for all others.
APS faxed directly by employee or physician to Homewood Health at 1-866-460-4645.
100% of the cost of the APS, up to a maximum of $150 per statement, can be reimbursed through the Extended Health Plan.

Long Term Disability (LTD) Plan

Insurance carrier: Sun Life Financial

​Plan ​Coverage
Plan: ​Benefit Coverage: ​67% of the first $2,250 monthly earnings + 55% of the next $7,500 monthly earnings + 50% of the balance to $15,000 maximum benefit
Plan: ​Earning definition Coverage: ​Basic Schedule 1 wages and salaries including statutory holiday pay (statutory holiday pay under Article 12.02 is excluded), and service pay, that is due annually, based on the classification or position in effect on the date the disability occurred.
Plan: ​Elimination period Coverage: ​119 calendar days of uninterrupted disability

For more information contact HR Service Centre, Pensions & Benefits at 403-268-5800 (Option 1).

Eligibility provisions



  • an employee is eligible upon date of hire
  • all employees eligible for coverage under this plan must complete the application forms within 30 days of hire
  • benefit coverage commences on the first day of hire.
  • coverage ends when you:
    • terminate employment
    • retire
    • attain age 60 for long term disability
    • attain age 70 for optional group life
    • attain age 70 for out of province/country emergency travel plan

Dependent eligibility

(extended health & dental and optional life only)

  • spouse – the person to whom the employee is legally married or a partner who has cohabited with the employee for a minimum of 12 consecutive months and represented as the employee's spouse or domestic partner.
  • children - unmarried and financially dependent:
    • biological, adopted, or legal ward, less than 21 years of age
    • step or common-law less than 21 years of age who reside with the employee for a minimum of 12 consecutive months
    • less than 25 years of age who are in full time attendance at an accredited post-secondary institution
    • dependent because of a physical or mental infirmity that commenced prior to age 21
  • benefit coverage for eligible dependents will begin on the same date as the employee's coverage. Should an eligible dependent be added later, dependent benefits will commence on the date of notification.
  • only one spouse or partner may be covered at a time. If the employee terminates coverage for their current spouse, a new spouse may be added effective the date of marriage or after the employee has lived with a new partner for a minimum of 12 consecutive months.
  • if a dependent is deleted from coverage, a life event (i.e. marriage, involuntary loss of spouse's benefits coverage, attendance full-time at post-secondary institution) is required to add dependent back on coverage or employee must wait one year to add an eligible dependent back on coverage.
  • upon the death of an employee, Extended Health & Dental coverage may continue for a surviving spouse and dependents for up to one year at no cost. The spouse and dependents must have been previously covered on the plans.

Conversion option

  • upon termination or retirement, an employee may convert their basic or optional Life Insurance coverage up to a maximum of $400,000 combined, to an individual policy by contacting Sun Life at 1-877-893-9893 or go to Sun Life Financial. Application must be made within 31 days of termination.
  • optional spouse life may also be converted to an individual policy up to a maximum of $200,000.

The benefits information on this web site summarizes the important features of the group plans for IAFF 255 members. It is prepared as information only and does not constitute an Agreement. The exact terms and conditions of the group benefits program are described in the Group Benefits Contracts held by The City of Calgary.
