Green Fleet

The City is committed to evaluating and incorporating fully electric, electric hybrid, and other low carbon vehicle technologies to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the 2023-2026 Climate Implementation Plan. From waste collection trucks and street sweepers to sedans, The City is continually testing greener vehicle technologies for their effectiveness in our operations and climate.

Green Fleet Strategy

The Green Fleet Strategy outlines actions to support Council’s strategic direction of a climate resilient Calgary, with a goal to reduce corporate GHG emissions. The Strategy includes four guiding principles to help shape what actions The City will pursue to reduce fleet GHG emissions in the 2023-2026 business cycle:

  1. Modernize – aim to transition from gasoline and diesel vehicles by building a robust charging network, deploying electric vehicles, and piloting emerging alternative fuels and technologies. 
  2. Educate – work towards reducing The City’s GHG emissions by educating fleet users on the benefits of seasonal renewable fuels, idling reduction program, and green operator driving. 
  3. Procure – implement green procurement to remove barriers and strategically purchase low or zero-emission technology when replacing or adding vehicles and equipment.
  4. Innovate – support, test, design, and evaluate innovative technologies that can be adopted and seamlessly integrated.

Actioning the Green Fleet Strategy

The City is exploring opportunities to reduce fuel consumption and lower fleet GHG emissions through a variety of programs and initiatives.

Idling Reduction

The City’s goal is to eliminate unnecessary fleet vehicle idling. Reduced idling for City fleet vehicles and equipment can save money by burning less fuel, decrease wear and tear on engines, and improve air quality. City operators are doing their part and turning off the engine if stopped, except in traffic. We are also identifying units that require the engine idling to perform work or power equipment and considering alterations or modifications that are more cost effective than idling.

Flex Fleet

Flex Fleet is The City’s fleet vehicle program that allows employees to share vehicles for work purposes. It was launched during the 2019-2022 budget cycle to address the underutilization of City fleet vehicles and was further expanded in 2020.

The program includes a variety of vehicle types, including electric vehicles (EVs). Flex Fleet is a key part of the Green Fleet Strategy as it enables a place for the testing and evaluation of green vehicle technology.

Green Driving Standard

The City of Calgary has a Green Driving Standard to ensure fuel-efficient driving practices by our City operators. We train our drivers on safe and green driving practices that aim to reduce fuel consumption associated with idling, acceleration, deceleration, and cornering. Our green driving simulator gives drivers the opportunity to practice these principles in a simulated environment before putting them into practice on the road.

Learn more about Green Driving Standard


The City has a Green Option procurement strategy to support the purchase of vehicles that have lower emissions and better fuel consumption. Our vehicle acquisition process ensures compliance with Environment Canada, Transport Canada, and all applicable external legislation and considers all available fuel types when purchasing new vehicles and equipment.

Alternative Fuel Pilots

Alternative fuels are an essential part of The Green Fleet Strategy. While beginning to deploy zero-emission vehicles, The City will use alternative fuels such as biodiesel and hydrogen to support the transition away from gasoline and diesel. It is recognized that medium and heavy fleet vehicles have unique operational challenges for electrification and few heavy electric trucks are presently available on the market. Alternative fuels provide substantial and quantifiable emission reductions that The City’s fleet can start implementing in the short term.

  • 2023 Renewable Diesel Pilot
    The City of Calgary conducted a small-scale renewable diesel pilot in commercial waste and recycling refuse trucks.
  • Advancing Hydrogen in Municipal Fleet Project - Q2 2024-2028 
    This project will evaluate the potential use of hydrogen across various vehicle types and equipment within a municipal fleet. It will seek to understand the operational impacts, necessary facility changes, and the potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Electric & Hybrid Truck Pilots

2024 Electric Sweeper Pilot Summary
The City conducted a pilot to evaluate the performance and operational suitability of an electric street sweeper in Calgary. This pilot was a joint effort between Fleet & Inventory and Mobility, and the unit was integrated into the 2024 Spring Clean Up (SCU) street sweeping season.

Hybrid waste collection
In 2022, The City initiated a pilot project to investigate the suitability and economic benefits of using electric and hybrid trucks to collect waste. Through the pilot, The City will purchase a hybrid refuse truck and a battery-electric refuse truck to determine the feasibility of long-term implementation of hybrid and/or electric refuse-collection trucks into The City's fleet and how this could apply to other types of heavy-duty trucks for City operations, such as snowplows or dump trucks.

This project received funding the Government of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Green Municipal Fund.

Biodiesel B20

For the spring/summer seasons, The City switches diesel fuels at three City fuel stations to a blend of diesel that includes 20 per cent biodiesel (referred to as B2O) to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of its municipal fleet.

Biodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable alternative fuel made from a mix of modified vegetable oils and diesel fuel.

Zero-Emission Buses

As our old diesel and gas-powered buses reach the end of life, we are diversifying and modernizing our fleet. This means adding vehicles powered by a number of different sources, including compressed natural gas, electric and gas-powered vehicles, in addition to diesel.

Compressed natural gas (CNG)

Calgary Transit has the largest indoor CNG fueling facility in North America. The City of Calgary has more than 240 40-foot CNG buses and 13 ice re-surfacers that operated on compressed natural gas.

When compared to diesel fueled vehicles, CNG vehicles emit around 20 per cent less GHG, up to 95 per cent less Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and virtually no particulate matter.

Funders and supporters

The City has leveraged funding from different levels of government to purchase greener vehicles and equipment to help reduce The City’s maintenance, energy costs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

To date, The City has been allocated $225K from Natural Resources Canada and their partner organizations – the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) and South Grow – towards the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The City has also been allocated almost $1.5M from MCCAC and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities towards the cost of purchasing electric and other green vehicles and equipment, including $294,000 in 2023 to purchase six electric ice resurfacers.

The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre is a partnership of Alberta Municipalities, the Rural Municipalities of Alberta, and the Government of Alberta. Funding for the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities Program was provided by the Government of Alberta.

Please visit the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) for more information.

Emission Reduction Alberta’s (ERA) Accelerating Hydrogen Challenge

  • Funding: $2.19 million (Fleet & Inventory)
  • Project overview: The Advancing Hydrogen in Municipal Fleet project will evaluate the use of hydrogen across various types of vehicles and equipment. It will provide insight into how hydrogen-powered vehicles affect operations, the facility changes needed to maintain them, how they operate in Calgary’s climate, and their impact on greenhouse gas emission reduction.

Related links

The Green Fleet Strategy is stewarded by The City's Fleet & Inventory business unit in Operational Services.
