Cannabis facility - business licensing
Before you apply
Use this guide to help you to determine what permits you need and permit requirements before applying with the City of Calgary.
What is a cannabis facility?
A cannabis facility is a business where the primary use includes the growing, processing, producing, testing, destroying, storing, or distribution of cannabis. Recreational and medical production can occur on the same site.
Do I need a permit, licence, or both?
A Development Permit, Building Permit and Business Licence are required to start a Cannabis Facility in Calgary. This guide walks applicants through the process to understand the requirements associated with these applications.
What permits do you need?
Development permit
A development permit is required for all new cannabis facilities. Each application is evaluated based on its planning merits. This type of application is a discretionary use and is subject to circulation, review, advertisement and possibly an appeal.
Note: File managers may ask applicants detailed questions about proposed plans to determine whether additional development permits would be required for exterior signs, location of doorways, renovations etc.
Building permit
A building permit may be required for cannabis facilities to meet federal regulations and requirements.
The following are some examples of when a building permit might be required:
- The space has a new use (e.g. a retail store changes to a restaurant).
- Any construction is being done, including structural or partition wall changes, mechanical, plumbing, gas or electrical work.
- The mechanical equipment needs to be upgraded to meet building code, due to a change in use (e.g. car detailing to engine repair affects ventilation rates; using a forklift in a warehouse may require additional ventilation).
- You are the first tenant in a space.
- There is a change in kitchen or mechanical ventilation equipment or new equipment being installed.
- There is a change to the occupant load.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that any construction work required to adhere to federal cannabis licencing regulations has the appropriate building permit.
Business licenses
All Cannabis Facilities require a municipal business licence and a federal production licence.
A City of Calgary business license is required for cannabis facilities. A Cannabis Facility licence must not be issued to a residential dwelling unit or any premises located in a residential land use district as described in the Land Use Bylaw or a mobile business unit.
All Cannabis Facility municipal business licences include a police information check. This process is completed by the Calgary Police Service and is initiated on the applicant’s behalf through the initial business application. Please note that previous police checks cannot be used as a substitute for this approval process.
A municipal business licence will be issued when all required municipal approvals have been granted, fees have been paid, and inspections have been completed.
Federal licence
The federal government has indicated that it intends to regulate the production of cannabis. As the final details of the federal legislation are not yet available, producers looking to establish a Cannabis Facility in Calgary need to understand that The City is not responsible for federal regulations and interested parties should review the federal government requirements.
Note: Federal licensing applications are not administered through The City of Calgary.
How much will it cost?
Applicants should consult the following fee schedules for specific costs:
Building safety approval - building permit | Fee schedule | Permit fee |
Development permit |
planning applications fee calculator for Commercial/Industrial/Mixed Use development permits |
Building permit |
Business licence fee |
Police information checks |
Visit Calgary police for fee schedule Police information checks |
How do you pay for a permit?
In person
For cannabis facilities, applicants are required to apply in person at the Planning Services Centre
How long will it take to get a permit?
Timelines indicated are not a guarantee and depend on volumes, application completeness, and the applicant’s timely replies to additional information requests from the City.
Review information on timelines and the approvals process.
Development permit
Development permit timelines vary based on the complexity, the degree of impact to the surrounding community, public comments are submitted to the file manager and when the applicant submits information to the file manager. Discretionary development permits require additional circulations as well as an advertising and appeal period. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the details on the development permit process.
Building permit
21 days once development permit is issued, does not include additional time for inspections before final occupancy certificates are granted.
Business licence
30 days average, final licence is issued only once the final inspection is completed.
Health Canada
In addition to municipal approvals, an application must be approved by Health Canada before operating a Cannabis Facility in Calgary. To learn more about the Health Canada application process, please visit Producing and selling cannabis.
The Federal application process for Cannabis Facilities requires the applicant to notify local authorities. The contact information for City authorities are:
Local Government
Community Planning, Planning and Development
Attention: Fraser McLeod, Planner
PO Box 2100, Station M, #8073
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2M5
Local Fire Authority
Chief of the Fire Department
P.O. Box 2100, Station M
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2M5
Local Police Force
Chief of Police
Calgary Police Service
5111 47 St. N.E.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3J 3R2
TIP: To avoid delays in processing your application, make sure your application includes all the required documents, plans and information listed on the checklist below.
See the tips for a smooth application for details on submitting a complete application.
What are the rules?
Rules and regulations
A Cannabis Facility land use is allowed in the Industrial General (I-G) District.
The Land Use Bylaw requires separation distances to limit the sale of cannabis near schools, vacant school parcels, and other cannabis stores to manage potential environmental, social and aesthetic impacts; and to ensure opportunities for other businesses. Separation distances can be reduced, but for schools - only by 10%. Please review the Cannabis Store Guidelines in order to determine the separation rules. This document provides direction to The City when making decisions about reducing the separation distance.
The cannabis store locations map may be used as a tool to help determine separation distances.
Enter your business address to see if you can operate a cannabis business there.
Please refer to the table below to determine the allowable uses for each land use district.
District | Business type |
A cannabis facility may be located in this district. |
A cannabis store may be located in this district.
*Only when in conjunction with a cannabis facility. |
Direct Control District (DC) |
A Direct Control District MAY NOT allow for cannabis businesses. Please contact the Planning Services Centre at 403-268-5311 for more information and to get more information on cannabis uses in Direct Control Districts. |
All other districts |
No cannabis related businesses may be located in this land use district. A land use redesignation would be required prior to applying for permits to open any cannabis business in this location. |
Separation distance requirements
A cannabis facility must not be located within 75 metres of a residential district measured from the building containing the land use, to the nearest property line of a parcel designated as a residential district.
Transition of medical marihuana facility use
Any development permit or Direct Control District that was approved as Medical Marihuana Facility prior to the bylaw’s effective date of this Bylaw, is deemed to be the Cannabis Facility use after the effective date of the Land Use Bylaw amendments for cannabis.
- Cannabis stores must have at least four vehicle parking stalls per 100 square metres of usable floor area.
- One bicycle parking stall is required per 250 square metres of usable floor area. The bicycle parking stall requirement is Class 2, which means the stall(s) can be in an unsecured or uncontrolled area. Please see Part 4, Division 2, Section 160.3 of the Land Use Bylaw for more information.
Additional rules
- Must possess a licence for all activities associated with cannabis growing, processing, packaging, testing, destruction or storage as issued by Health Canada
- May have an ancillary building or structure used for security purposes located on the parcel containing the use
- Must include equipment designed and intended to remove odours from the air where it is discharged from the facility as part of a ventilation system
- The development authority may require, as a condition of a development permit, a Public Utility and Waste Management Plan, completed by a qualified professional, that includes details on:
- the incineration of waste products and air borne emission, including smell;
- the quantity and characteristics of liquid and waste material discharged by the facility; and
- the method and location of collection and disposal of liquid and waste material.
- Requires a minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls that is the greater of:
- 1.0 stalls per 100.0 square metres of gross usable floor area for the first 2000.0 square metres, and then 1.0 stalls for each subsequent 500.0 square metres; or
- 1 stalls per three (3) employees based on the maximum number of employees on the site at any given time.
- Does not require bicycle parking stalls – class 1, but requires a minimum of 1 bicycle parking stalls – class 2 per 250 metres of gross usable floor area.
How to prepare your application
1. Prepare the application details
You will need to know:
- The project address
- Who is applying (the homeowner or someone representing the owner)
- Who will be doing the work (licenced demolition contractor)
- What you are applying for
- Project details
2. Prepare the required documents and plans
Specific drawing and supporting document requirements are listed on the permit checklist. You must provide all the required drawings and documents when you submit your application.
Tips for a smooth application process
Before you apply
Download the checklist and check each application requirement as you prepare to submit your application. Items listed on the checklist are the minimum requirements. We might need more information after we review your application.
Provide all required documents on the checklist, including drawings, supporting material, and any additional forms. If you are not sure if something is required, contact the Planning Services Centre.
Use sample drawings to review what you need to include on your plans
Double check your documents are completed and make sure you have all required items on your plans before you upload them
After you apply
The Planning Services Centre may contact you for more information required for your application. Follow-up on requests for more information as quickly as possible.
Use the Job Access Code (JAC) to check status updates for your application on
- You’ll get a JAC by e-mail after you’ve submitted your application. If you did not receive a JAC number, contact the Planning Services Centre.
- Checking your application’s status using your JAC will provide you with timely updates about the status of your application
What is a complete application?
A complete application means that you have provided all the necessary requirements for our teams to complete their reviews. You should provide everything listed on the Complete Application Requirement List and the Guide to a Complete Application (if applicable), including plans, supporting documents and payment.
An application for a permit may be refused if, within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt, if adequate information and documentation is not supplied as requested by the Safety Codes Officer. Should a permit be considered for refusal, the applicant will be given notification in writing and 30 days to resubmit the missing information. For more information, please review Building advisory A19-002 building permit complete application.

Apply online
To apply online, you need a myID account. Create a myID account..
Apply in-person
Complete the application form.
Once you have gathered all required documents, you can apply for your permit in person by visiting the Planning Services Centre.
After you apply
How to check the status of your permit
After you submit your application online, you will get a confirmation email with a Job Access Code (JAC).
To track your application and check its status, enter your Job Access Code in Vista.
If you need help or have questions, contact our Planning Services Centre.

What inspections do you need?
Building inspections
Please note that the inspection process is dynamic, and an inspection outcome depends on the construction method and site conditions at time of inspection. Please contact the Technical Assistance Centre for more information.
A development completion permit (DCP) inspection will be required for all Cannabis Facilities. Contact our Planning Services Centre 403-268-5311 to book the development completion permit inspection prior to occupancy.
Development completion inspections are conducted by a development inspector and are to be completed after the construction of a project which required a development permit. A development completion permit confirms that a development has been completed in compliance with the terms and plans of its development permit, to the satisfaction of The City development inspector. Once the development completion permit has been issued, subject to any other required approvals, the development may commence operation.
Other City inspections are also part of the normal building permit process. They are intended to ensure safety and compliance with all relevant bylaws and safety codes. The City ensures that minimum construction safety standards are met. Inspections are part of the building permit process and are included in the permit price. Your premises cannot be occupied until your work has passed all required inspections.
Safety codes officers verify that your completed work meets safety standards and they can assist if you have encountered problems with your project. Having permits approved and completed allows future buyers to verify that your work was inspected by The City.
How do you book your inspections?
Visit building inspections for information on how to book, cancel or reschedule an inspection, permit expiry and the requirements for each inspection type.
Contractors should book and coordinate inspections directly with The City.
Planning Services Centre
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (MT)
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Planning Services Centre,
3rd floor, Municipal building
800 Macleod Trail SE
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