Open a restaurant or brewery business

Learn about licensing requirements, fees, timelines, permits and approvals you need to open your business

Before you apply

Do you need to register your business?

We encourage all businesses operating in Calgary to register their business with The City of Calgary.

All businesses operating from a location in Calgary are required to obtain location approval for their business, even if a licence is not required. Location approval helps ensure that the space you are operating has been approved for your business and is safe for all occupants.

If your business requires a business licence, registration will occur at the same time as applying for your licence. If you wish to register your business with the City of Calgary, please apply online.

Do you need a business licence?

Yes. All businesses that prepare, sell, or allow on-site consumption of food or alcohol require a business licence. 

Examples of Restaurant and Brewery businesses that need a licence:

  • Bakeries
  • Bars and Pubs
  • Breweries, Micro-breweries, Brewpubs
  • Butcher shops
  • Coffee shops
  • Delicatessens
  • Food court vendors
  • Ice cream parlours
  • Lounges and Nightclubs
  • Shisha and hookah bars
  • Take-out and fast food

If you don’t know if your business requires a business licence, contact the Planning Services Centre for assistance.

What are your business activities?

Your business activities will determine what's required to open your business:

  • if you need a business licence
  • what licence types you need
  • what permits you may need 

Examples of different licence types you may need: 

Example Licence types
If you plan to brew or distill alcohol at the premises

You will need an Alcohol Beverage Manufacture licence

If you will only be serving food

You will need a Food Services – Premises licence

If you will be serving both food and alcohol

You will need a Food Services – Premises licence and an Alcohol Beverage Sales licence

These licence types will be generated as part of your application when you apply. You do not need to apply for them separately.

If your business fits into more than one licence type, you do not need to get multiple approvals. For example, you only need one Fire inspection even if it is required by all of your different licence types.

  • Business Experience Representatives

    Did you know we have a dedicated team of Business Experience Representatives, who will help business owners work through the regulatory process of opening a restaurant or brewery business in Calgary?

  • Opening a Restaurant and Brewery

    March 15, 2022

    The City of Calgary presents a webinar on everything you need to know about opening a Restaurant & Brewery in Calgary.

    Watch our recorded Q&A on things to consider before starting your business, what permits are required to open a restaurant or brewery, how to apply for a business licence, why you need city inspections and some of the most common inspection issues identified during the process.

Review wastewater bylaw requirements

All businesses preparing or producing food in the City of Calgary are required to have a properly sized grease interceptor as per Wastewater Bylaw 14M2012.

Grease interceptors are designed to separate and remove fats, oils & grease (FOG) from wastewater before it goes into the wastewater system. More than one grease interceptor may be required depending on your business. For a grease interceptor to work properly, regular cleaning and maintenance is required, and businesses must keep records of this to ensure they are in compliance with Wastewater Bylaw 14M2012. Keeping fats, oils and grease out of the wastewater system helps to prevent costly and inconvenient wastewater system blockages that can affect your business.

Wastewater Bylaw and Fines for Non-compliances are:

Bylaw section Description Specified penalty

27 (1)(a)

Failing to install a FOG interceptor


27 (1)(b)

Failing to monitor, operate, properly maintain and clean each FOG interceptor


26 (4)(b)

Failing to maintain a maintenance schedule and record of each maintenance for the FOG interceptor for a period of 2 years


27 (4)

Using emulsifiers, enzymes, bacteria, solvents, hot water or other agent or product to facilitate the passage of FOG through an interceptor


43 (6)

Failing to comply with a remedial order


How much does a business licence cost?

When setting up a new licence, applicable fees apply. Fees are based on the type of licence you need and whether your business is home-based or commercial-based. Business licence fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Fees are subject to change the next calendar year. 

Commercial based business
Fee schedule ​New licence ​Fire Planning Total

Business licence fee schedule

​$172 $107 $41 $317

How do you pay for your licence?

You need to pay for your licence when you submit your application. If you are applying online, you can pay using​.

What permits do you need?

Understanding what approvals will be required will help ensure you will be able to open your business with ease and on time. Your business may require Planning Approval or Building Safety Approval, or both in order to be approved to operate from your selected location.

These approvals are based on:

  • the location of the business,
  • the proposed business activities
  • how the space was used before your business.

To learn more about what permits you may need, see the location approval section.

How long will it take to process your application?

The timeline to process your application can vary significantly depending on the permits and approvals required for your business.

To avoid delays, ensure your application includes all the required documents, plans and information.


Do not sign your lease agreements until you have checked your location approval. We recommend applying for your location approval and building safety approvals before applying for your licence.

Commercial based location timelines

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What is the name of your business?

A business name, or trade name, is used to represent your business to the public. You may wish to register your trade name with the province. Read more in Opening a business in Calgary: Register your Trade Name.

Who will own the business?

  • Sole proprietor – one person owns the business
  • Partnership – agreement between two or more people or companies
  • Corporation – a legal entity that is separate from its owners, the shareholders

Where is your business located?

All businesses need to provide a location that is approved for their specific business activities. Review the location approval section to make sure your business activities are allowed at your chosen location.

If you’re running your business from more than one location, you need a separate business licence for each location. Each location may require a different combination of permits to satisfy your location approval requirement.

Example Type of use
If you will restrict minors

Your business will be considered a drinking establishment

If you offer take-out only

Your business will be considered a take-out food service

If you will have VLTs (video lottery terminals)

Your business will be considered a drinking establishment

If you will have a dance floor or space for entertainment

Most uses allow for up to 10 square meters of the public area to be used for entertainment purposes.

If your entertainment space will be larger than 10 square metres, your business will be considered a night club

Location approval

Commercial based location

Your business will be run from a commercial or industrial location in Calgary.

Planning and Building Safety approvals

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Look up your land use district on the listed use matrix to determine if your proposed business activities are listed in your district.

How will you occupy the space?

Once you’ve confirmed your business activities are a listed use in a Land Use District, you need to determine how you will be occupying the space, to see which permits you might need to satisfy your Location Approval.

Contact the Planning Services Centre if you are not sure what approvals your business will require from your chosen location.

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What different types of permits might be required?

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Meet Matt

Matt is a brew master for a world-famous brewing company. As an avid lover of craft beer, he has decided to open his own microbrewery with a tasting room in the heart of Calgary’s brewing district. 

Matt’s perfect location is a closed-up retail shop that will require extensive renovations. 

To open a new microbrewery Matt will need to:

  1. Apply for a Discretionary Change of Use Development Permit.

  2. Research and comply with the building regulations for having both brewery equipment and a tasting room operating in the same physical space. Matt may want to hire industry professionals to help with this.

  3. Apply for his Building Permit, once the Development Permit has been released.

  4. Hire licensed trade contractors to pull permits and bring the electrical, plumbing and gas systems up to code.

  5. Call for building permit and trade permit inspections throughout the construction process.

  6. Submit his Business Licence application.

  7. Call for Fire and AHS inspections and submit approvals so his Licence can be issued.

  8. Apply for and receive his AGLC liquor Licence.  He will need to follow the AGLC requirements for selling and processing alcoholic beverages within the same location.

  9. Open his Business.

Matt will need:

  • Discretionary Change of Use DP
  • Building Permit
  • Business Licence
  • AGLC Licence

Meet Lily

Lily started her catering business in 2020 after the COVID pandemic caused her to lose her corporate 9-5.

Two years later, she is ready to expand her services and wants to operate in a brick-and-mortar building with dine-in service. 

As a first-time business owner starting in a brand-new space, Lily will need to:

  1. Apply for her Development and Building Permits.

  2. Work with her contractor to secure the correct trade permits.

  3. Ensure building construction is complete, call for trade permit inspections and ensure the commercial space is ready to use.

  4. Register her company with the provincial registry as she has decided to incorporate her business.

  5. Submit her Business Licence Application.

  6. Call for Fire and AHS inspections and submit approvals so her licence can be issued.

  7. Open her Business.

Lily will need:

  • New Building DP
  • New Building BP
  • Business Licence

Meet Maria

Maria is taking over her family-owned and operated restaurant. Though she’s keeping the original recipes, she has big dreams of modernizing the kitchen and dining area and updating her cocktail menu. 

To transfer ownership and renovate her restaurant, Maria will need to: :

  1. Apply for a new Business Licence as she will be considered a new owner as per the Business Licence Bylaw.

  2. Decide if she needs to change or upgrade any cooking equipment as this would mean she would need a Building Permit.

  3. Apply for a Tenancy Change as she has decided to only do minor cosmetic changes like painting, for now.

  4. Call for Fire and AHS inspections and submit approvals so that her Licence can be issued.

  5. Apply for and receive her AGLC liquor Licence.

  6. Open her Business.

  7. In the future, Maria wants to upgrade some of her kitchen equipment an will apply for the appropriate permits when she is ready to go ahead with those renovations

Maria will need:

  • Tenancy Change
  • Business Licence
  • AGLC Licence

Meet Luis

Luis recently immigrated to Canada and has always wanted to open a Brazilian Steakhouse.  As an experienced Chef, Luis would like to import some of his most cherished ingredients from Brazil to bring his dishes to life.

Luis perfect location is an existing restaurant on 17th Ave that he will be renovating. 

To start his Brazilian Steakhouse, Luis will need to:

  1. Work with an architect to draw plans and ensure his design meets the building code and bylaw requirements for his location.

  2. Determine if the restaurant’s proposed grilling  and cooking equipment meets the safety requirements outlined in Provincial Regulations prior to purchasing the equipment.

  3. Apply for his Building Permit.

  4. Hire licensed trade contractors to pull permits and bring the electrical, plumbing and gas systems up to code.

  5. Call for building permit and trade permit inspections throughout the construction process.

  6. Ensure the menu’s food and liquor are approved by Industry and Health Standards Canada and confirm he can import food from other countries (as needed).

  7. Submit his Business Licence application.

  8. Call for Fire and AHS inspections and submit approvals so his Licence can be issued.

  9. Apply for and receive his AGLC liquor Licence.
  10. Open his Business.

Luis will need:

  • Building Permit
  • Business Licence
  • AGLC Licence


Prepare your application

Once you know how and where your business will operate, you’re ready to apply.

For a smooth application, make sure you know the following information:

  • Business Activities
  • Location of Business
  • Fee payment at the time of application*
  • Ownership
  • Name of Business
  • Contact information for the business and owner
  • If you are applying online, a myID account
  • Two pieces of government issued identification

Tips for a smooth application process

Before you apply

Before you apply

  • Put together a cost and timeline estimate.
  • Confirm the requirements needed to operate from your selected location:
    • Is your type of business allowed to operate from your chosen location (is the Use listed in your Land Use District)
    • What type of Permits do you need as part of your Location Approval? See location approval.
      • Do you need to apply for a development permit or tenancy change as part of your Location Approval?
      • Does the space require any upgrades to comply with Building and Fire Codes?
        • Are you doing construction yourself or hiring a contractor?
        • Do you need to apply for a building permit as part of your Land Use Approval?
      • Do you need approval from the property owner before making changes to the space?
    • Hire the appropriate contractors for the project.
      • Are your contractors licensed
      • Can your contractors pull the right trade permits to work on your business?

After you apply

Need help? A business experience representative can help you determine what approvals you will need. Contact The Planning Services Centre.

Apply for your licence and required permits

To apply online, you need a myID account. Create a myID account.

Apply in person

Once you have gathered all required documents, you can apply for your permit in person by visiting the Planning Services Centre.

After you apply

What approvals do you need?

After you submit your application online, you will get a confirmation email summarizing your application. It will include your Business Identification number (BID) and your next steps. If you do not get this email, check your junk email folder and then contact the Planning Services Center if you still did not receive it.

Once you apply for your business licence, you must complete your outstanding approvals before the business licence is issued.

The approvals you will need for your licence are:

Commercial based location
Licence Categories Description Location approval Fire Health AGLC
Food Services – Premises Licence Required to operate a food premise or prepare and serve food to the public.




Outdoor Patio Required when food and liquor are being prepared and/or served to the public outdoors, adjacent to an established restaurant or brewery.



*If your restaurant sells alcohol then you need AGLC approval.

Alcohol Beverage Sales Required to sell alcoholic beverages to the public.





Alcohol Beverage Manufacturer Required to make your own alcoholic beverages on the premise.





Entertainment Establishment Required if your establishment routinely advertises live entertainment such as music or comedy, dancing, games room, a bowling alley, billiard/pool hall or drive-in theatre



Retail Dealer Premises Required if your establishment sells merchandise.




How to get your approvals

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After you have obtained all your approvals, your Business Licence can be issued to you.

Check the status of your application

After you submit your application online, you will get a confirmation email with a Job Access Code (JAC).

To track your application and check its status, enter your Job Access Code in Vista.

If you need help or have questions, contact our Planning Services Centre

Get a copy of your licence

As part of The City’s efforts to accelerate the business license approvals process, customers with a myID business account can receive a digital copy of their business licence via email. This is available to customers applying for a new business licence or renewing an existing licence. To learn more about the benefits of a myID business account and to sign-up today, please visit myID business account

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When does your licence expire?

Business licenses expire one year from the issuance date. You’ll get a notice in the mail 45 days before your licence expires to notify you of the expiry date. To renew your licence, see licence renewals.

Renewing your business licence

Your business licence needs to be renewed every year to remain active. We will mail you an invoice 45 days prior to payment being due. How you choose to pay for your renewal will affect when we receive the fee, so please allow sufficient processing time.

Payment options

Online renewal

To renew your licence online, sign into your myID business account and manage your business at​.

If you do not have a myID business account, you will have to create one first.

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Make changes to your business

Business licences are specific to the owner when the business was applied and are non-transferable from one person or entity to another.

You can make some changes to your business, including:

  • Moving your Business
  • Change your mailing address
  • Changing your Trade Name
  • Updating your Ownership (sole proprietor or partnership to corporation) * conditions apply

See manage your business for more information.

Business Improvement Area (BIA) and Assessment

Business Improvement Area (BIA) is established by businesses in an area to jointly raise and administer funds for various projects and promotional activities within the zone throughout the year. Businesses located in a BIA will receive a BIA tax bill. This levy is collected by The City of Calgary on behalf of the BIA.

Planning Services Centre

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (MT)

Live chat:


In person: 
Planning Services Centre,
3rd floor, Municipal building 
800 Macleod Trail SE

Book an eAppointment for in person services at