The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy

Home is Here, The City of Calgary's Housing Strategy 2024 - 2030 Calgary's Housing Strategy

Calgary is in a housing crisis. According to The City's Housing Needs Assessment, one in five Calgary households cannot afford where they currently live. That number is growing. We need more homes, and we have a plan. 

We are implementing The City’s Housing Strategy. It outlines 98 actions, including actions recommended by the Housing and Affordability Task Force. The Housing Strategy was approved by Council on September 16, 2023. The Housing Strategy aspires to ensure Calgarians have an affordable place to call home. 

What is the Housing Strategy?

Home is Here - The City of Calgary's Housing Strategy  is a comprehensive plan to:

  • increase the supply of housing,
  • support affordable housing providers to make a positive impact, 
  • enable The City’s housing subsidiaries to improve service delivery, 
  • ensure diverse housing choice to meet the needs of equity-deserving populations, and 
  • address the affordable housing needs of Indigenous people living in Calgary. 

Why we need the Housing Strategy

One in five Calgary households are unable to afford where they currently live. That’s over 84,600 households who are spending more than 30% of their income on housing.  With the prospect of welcoming another 110,000 new residents over the next four years, the scale of the challenge we face is significant. 

Calgary’s competitive advantage as one of the world’s most liveable cities where housing is relatively affordable is at risk. We need more homes in all shapes and sizes in all neighbourhoods. This will help support Calgary’s prosperity now and for future generations. 

The Home is Here, The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy was approved with amendments by Council on Sept 16, 2023. 

The Housing Strategy's five outcomes

As we implement The City of Calgary's Housing Strategy, we are working towards five outcomes identified in the Strategy. The five outcomes are:

Housing Strategy milestones

  • June 6, 2023

    The Housing and Affordability Task Force presented their recommendations to Council.

  • September 14 and 15, 2023

    The new Housing Strategy was presented at the Community Development Committee Meeting. More than 580 individual Calgarians and groups shared their lived experiences with the housing crisis and opinions on the strategy’s recommended actions either in-person or via written submission.

  • September 16, 2023

    The Housing Strategy was approved by Council with amendments.

  • May 22, 2024

    On May 22, 2024, The Community Development Committee received a progress update on Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy 2024-2030.
