Civic Partners funding

Civic Partners Funding

The City of Calgary’s Civic Partners are defined under the Investing in Partnerships Policy​. The City invests in these organizations to deliver effective programs and services in targeted areas, develop and advance strategies, and construct and manage assets. 

City funding for Civic Partners is listed below and includes the actual Council-approved operating and capital funding for the previous year, and the approved budget for current year funding.

Funding process: Operating and capital investments in Civic Partners are approved by Council during the budget process and are subject to adjustments by Council. Annually, Civic Partners report to the Community Development Committee.

Civic Partners Funding Programs and Allocations

Civic Partners – Operating Funding

The City of Calgary is currently accepting applications for 2026 funding for the Civic Partner Operating Grant Program. This new Program provides a structured, transparent and consistent approach to developing multi-year Civic Partner operating funding recommendations for Council approval. It focuses on funding recommendations that align with and are informed by Council Priorities and are based on a fulsome review of funding requests from Civic Partners. Details are outlined in the Program Guidelines.

Eligible Civic Partners will be invited to apply by The City. If you have any questions about the Civic Partner Operating Grant Program, please reach out by email to

How to apply

The City of Calgary is currently accepting applications for 2026 funding for the Civic Partner Operating Grant Program.

All Civic Partners that are eligible to apply under this Operating Grant Program (see section 3 on Eligibility in the Civic Partner Operating Grant Program Guidelines) will receive a written email invitation with details about the application and deadline. If Civic Partners are unsure whether or not they are eligible, they should reach out to their Administrative Relationship Contact or by email to to confirm. Applications will be structured so that Civic Partners can easily show their alignment to the Operating Grant Program review criteria.

Review the Civic Partner Operating Grant Program Guidelines in full and determine if your organization is eligible to apply. Complete the online grant application and submit any required documents by midnight on Friday, March 28, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact your Administrative Relationship Contact (Civic Partnership Consultant or other partnership liaison) or email with “Civic Partner Operating Grant Application” in the subject line.

Provide any additional documents that may be requested during the review process.

Late applications will only be accepted if an extension is requested and approved in writing in advance of the application deadline. Information submitted in grant applications may be made public.

Application deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025.


Only City of Calgary Civic Partners, as defined in the Investing in Partnerships Policy, that receive operating funding in the year the Operating Grant Program is accepting applications, and are in good standing with The City (e.g. following the terms of their agreement, providing all the required items, having paid any amounts owned to The City for services or taxes, no breaches or defaults), are eligible for the Operating Grant Program. All eligible Civic Partners will be invited to apply by The City. If a Civic Partner is unsure if their organization is eligible, they should reach out to their Administrative Relationship Contact or email to inquire. There will be no open public calls for applications from the community and unsolicited applications will not be accepted.

Application Process

All Civic Partners that are eligible to apply under this Operating Grant Program will receive a written email invitation with details about the application and deadline. If Civic Partners are unsure whether or not they are eligible, they should reach out to their Administrative Relationship Contact to confirm. Applications will be structured so that Civic Partners can easily show their alignment to the Operating Grant Program review criteria.

Funding Priorities

This Operating Grant Program focuses on multi-year operating funding aligned with The City’s existing service planning and budgeting processes to help support the organizational structure and capacity required for Civic Partners to deliver results for Calgarians.

Application Review Process

An Administrative Grant Review Committee (the Committee) will review all applications and develop funding recommendations for Council approval. The Committee will be guided by a Committee Terms of Reference that will be shared with Civic Partners.

Once an application is submitted, communication specific to the application between a Civic Partner, the Committee and any individual Committee member will only be through the structured, consistent approaches outlined below to support a fair, transparent process. Applicants will be kept informed of the status of their application review during the process including key dates.

Review Criteria

The review of applications and the development of funding recommendations will be based on criteria that align with The City’s wider service planning and budgeting process. Criteria will be tailored to Operating Grant Program Streams to ensure they are appropriate.

Criteria will consider how Civic Partner applications demonstrate the following:

  • Clearly defined community or other needs for the Civic Partner’s organizational programs and services and clear identification of how the Partner’s operations, strategies and plans meet these needs separate and apart from The City’s directly delivered services.
  • Results for Calgarians that align with Council priorities or focus areas and either extend or complement existing City services or meet a demonstrated need not already addressed by The City.
  • Demonstration of delivering results and clearly identified future success measures including quantitative performance measures and, where appropriate, qualitative measures.
  • Context for performance by comparing against benchmarks for a Partner’s sector or performance comparisons with counterpart organizations, as appropriate.
  • Demonstration that the Civic Partner is seeking to address equity, anti-racism, Truth and Reconciliation, accessibility and other key considerations, as appropriate, as community expectations and City policies and strategies evolve over time.
  • Leveraging opportunities to collaborate with organizations, where appropriate, to achieve shared results.

The review criteria will also consider the following foundational elements of Civic Partner organizations:

  • A Civic Partner’s financial health and risks based on information provided and prepared annually for the Civic Partner Audit Report financial review process, Civic Partner Annual Report and related information.
  • Structural considerations that impact organizational capacity including a Civic Partner’s size, scale and operating model. For example, consideration for opportunities to leverage other funding sources including earned revenue.
  • Impact of inflation, population growth or other pressures on a Civic Partner’s operations
  • Management, operation or support for management or operation of a City-owned asset, or stewardships of a City collection or asset.
  • Specific role of the Partner in:
    1) Extending existing City programs or services
    2) Complementing existing City services
    3) Meeting a demonstrated need not already addressed by The City.

Funding Approval Process

All Civic Partners will be formally notified on the outcome of Council’s decisions once the official Council meeting minutes have been released by The City Clerk’s Office.

The City’s four-year Service Plans and Budgets, including approved funding for Civic Partners, is subject to adjustment by Council through an annual process to ensure alignment to changing conditions and priorities. If changes to approved funding levels are to be included as part of an annual adjustments process, Civic Partners will be notified.

For the first round of the Operating Grant Program in 2025, as directed by Council, funding recommendations will be included as part of the November 2025 Service Plans and Budgets adjustments package.


As directed by Council, Civic Partners receiving operating grants will continue to report to Council through existing accountability measures including the Civic Partner Annual Report and Civic Partner Audit Report. Each Civic Partner will also be required to follow any accountability requirements in their legal agreements with The City.

In an effort to maintain transparency and accountability, The City will make the names of all recipients and funding allocation amounts available publicly.


Funding Allocations

Organization 2022 Operating Funding (actual) 2023 Operating Funding (approved budget)
Aero Space Museum Association of Calgary (Hangar Flight Museum)​



Arts Commons



Calgary Arts Development Autho​rity Ltd.



Calgary Convention Centre Authority (Calgary TELUS Convention Centre)



​Calgary Economic Development Ltd.



Calgary Public Library Board



Calgary Science Centre Society (TELUS Spark)



Calgary Sport Council Society (Sport Calgary)



​Calgary Zoological Society (Calgary Zoo)



The Confluence Historic Site & Parkland (formerly Fort Calgary)



Contemporary Calgary Arts Society



Federation of Calgary Communities



Heritage Calgary



Heritage Park Society



Lindsay Park Sports Society (MNP Community & Sport Hub)



Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund Ltd.



Parks Foundation, Calgary



Platform Calgary



Silvera for Seniors



Tourism Calgary - Convention & Visitors Bureau



Tourism Calgary Special Events Fund



Vecova​ Centre for Disability Services and Research



VCC Initiatives Ltd. (Vibrant Communities Calgary)



*At least 75% of the funds provided to Calgary Arts Development are distributed to Calgary’s arts and culture sector through a variety of grant programs. Learn more at

**OCIF’s operating budget is funded through interest earned on the OCIF Reserve.


Civic Partners – Capital Funding

The City of Calgary values the services Civic Partners provide to Calgarians. Sustaining the condition and quality of City-owned facilities and assets managed and operated by Civic Partners ensure they remain safe, accessible and affordable to all users. Capital funding is provided through the Civic Partner Infrastructure Investment Program and other capital funding initiatives. 

Funding Allocations

Organization 2022 Capital Funding (actual) 2023 Capital Funding (approved budget)
Aero Space Museum Association of Calgary (Hangar Flight Museum)​



Arts Commons



​Calgary Convention Centre Authority (Calgary TELUS Convention Centre)



Calgary Film Centre Ltd.


Calgary Public Library Board



Calgary Science Centre Society (TELUS Spark)



Calgary Zoological Society (Calgary Zoo)



Calgary Zoological Society (Calgary Zoo)- Canadian Wilds Project  


Calgary Zoological Society (Calgary Zoo)- Net Zero Emissions Program  


The Confluence Historic Site & Parkland (formerly Fort Calgary)



Contemporary Calgary Arts Society


Heritage Park Society



Heritage Park Society - Wet Dock Replacement Project



​Lindsay Park Sports Society (MNP Community & Sport Hub)



Platform Calgary



Silvera for Seniors



Vecova​ Centre for Disability Services and Research



Vecova Centre for Disability Services and Research - New Facility project  


Civic Partners – Community Safety Grant

In November 2024, as part of the 2025 budget adjustments, Calgary City Council approved annual funding of $2 million for the Civic Partner Community Safety Grant program. The Program provides targeted support for The City of Calgary’s Civic Partners, as defined in the Investing in Partnerships Policy, operating in the downtown to address safety incidents and related escalated safety issues in the areas and community spaces surrounding their facility that impact the safety of visitors and Calgarians.

To disburse this targeted grant funding, The City accepted applications through a targeted call for funding requests for 2025 and 2026. It is anticipated that funding decisions will be confirmed by the end of January 2025. All applicants will be notified on the outcome of their application.

If you have any questions about the Civic Partner Community Safety Grant, please reach out by email to

Funding Allocations

Organization 2025 2026
Arts Commons $320,704 $319,331
Calgary Public Library Board $625,854* $750,000
Contemporary Calgary Arts Society $30,000 $174,000
Platform Calgary $253,463 $200,000
Calgary Convention Centre Authority (Calgary TELUS Convention Centre) $491,175 $470,450
The Confluence Historic Site & Parkland $278,804 $86,219

*The additional $124,146 was funding advanced to leverage 2024 monies, for a total of $750,000

Please visit our news release for more information on the Civic Partner Community Safety Grant.
