City service, one-time and capital investments

2023-2026 City Service investments

In November 2022 Council approved the 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets, the roadmap for how The City will support Calgarians and businesses over the next four years. Several service improvements were made based on what mattered most to Calgarians that that aim to continue to make Calgary one of the most livable cities in the world.

*City Services funding source: Property tax and other sources of operating revenue.

Learn more about how we invest your property tax dollars using your 2023 property assessment value.

2024 Operating Revenues

2024 Operating Revenues

Property Taxes 48.5%
Sales of Goods and Services 26.9%
Franchise Fees and local access fees from Natural Gas and Electricity providers  4.3%
Investment Income 2.6%
License and Permits 2.9%
Fines and Penalties 1.7%
Government Grants 1.7%
Return on Equity from Water Services and subsidiaries 4.0%
Other non-Tax Revenue 2.7%
Contributions from Reserves 4.6%

City Service investments:

One-time Calgary investments

In November 2022, an estimated operating variance of $65 million was committed by Council to further support Calgarians. These one-time investments do not impact property owner’s 2023 property tax bill.

In April 2023, Council approved an additional $32 million one-time budget increase to Calgary Transit to offset pandemic impacts.

One-time funding source: Annual operating savings, typically due to City service adjustments, salary and wages and higher than anticipated investment income.

Learn more, Operating variance & timeline.

One-time investments:

Additional Calgary Fire support

An additional $10 million was directed to Calgary Fire to further support firefighters and response time performance.

Public transit offsetting costs for Calgarians

We’re keeping public transit affordable and maintaining our service levels with a $3 million investment. Transit fees are locked in at 2022 rates, we’ve enabled kids 12 and under to ride free, and we’ve lowered the cost of a weekend family pass. An additional $5 million was directed to transit bus shelters and benches.

Additional Mental Health & Addition Support

Continuing to support Calgary’s Mental Health and Addiction strategy with an additional investment of $19 million to maintain existing community programming, and activate new partnerships between the Calgary Police and community organizations.

Enabling city partners operations and programming

A total of $12 million of one-time funding is being used to supporting city partners services and programs within our communities. These City partners include: Calgary Arts Development Authority, Parks Foundation Calgary Sport Calgary, Tourism Calgary (arts and culture) Platform Calgary, and Vibrant Communities Calgary.

Destination Calgary

Additional civic partner investments in Calgary Economic Development and Tourism were made to progress Calgary’s global reputation. $5.8 million will help make Calgary a place to do business and tour.

Establishing an Indigenous Relations Office

The City of Calgary’s work in Indigenous Relations is guided by the Indigenous Relations Office, The City’s Indigenous Policy, and the White Goose Flying Report. A $1.5 million investment was made as part of our committed to taking an all-nations approach to Indigenous Relations.

Waving patio permit and heritage grants

The City offset outdoor patio & cafe permit fees for business, expanded the non-residential Heritage Conservation Grant Program and initiated the Residential Tax Heritage Incentive Program.

Investing and building in Calgary

Over $10.1 billion in new ($4.4 billion) and previously committed ($5.7 billion) funding will be invested in our capital infrastructure over the next five years and beyond. These investments will ensure Calgarian, and businesses can thrive by having the service they require to help build a dynamic economy.

Capital investment funding source: Government grants, reserves, debt, pay-as-you-go and developer & other contributions.


2023-2027+ Capital Sources of Funding

Capital project investments:

  • Public transit

    $559 million for public transit, including replacing 25 Ctrain cars to modernize and enhance service to Calgarians, and exploring opportunities to find alternative fuel option for The City’s buses, including electricity and natural gas.

  • City drainage improvements

    We’re enhancing existing drainage in Calgary communities, extending service to our new communities, and putting dollars towards reducing flooding risks that total a $180 million investment.

  • Safe affordable housing

    Helping families and individuals find a safe and affordable place to live is critical for social resiliency. We’re investing $153 million to redevelop and create new affordable housing units that are vibrant, accessible, and inclusive.

  • Industrial Park investment

    A $150 million investment in the development of the Great Plains Starfield Industrial Park will continue to make Calgary Western Canada’s warehousing and transportation logistical hub. Over 600 acres (about the area of Central Park in New York City) of industrial land will be made available.
