Mirror me
Tape a ‘mirror me’ stencil onto a floor within your house or sidewalk chalk outside on outdoor pavement. Mirror each other in quick dance moves turning fast and smoothly. Try to mirror the actions of each other and work toward being in sync.
Where to play
Open area inside the house or outside in the backyard/driveway/sidewalk
Safety Tip
Try and make sure your space is clear of other objects
- Sidewalk chalk or paint (if outdoors)
- Painters tape, (if indoors)
Step 1
Mark or draw on the ground two large circles with 6 smaller colourful circles within it. Trace two feet into the center of the circle.
Step 2
Both dancers start on the footprints, then the first person steps onto one or two of the six coloured discs while their partner copies the move.
Step 3
Try to challenge each other with new turns and moves that keep your partner engaged and having fun!