Turn around the clock
Time to use your feet to tell time to the o’clock by quickly turning and twisting your body. It is also a fun way to teach telling time.
Where to play
Open area inside the house or outside in the backyard/driveway/sidewalk
Safety Tip
Try and make sure your space is clear of other objects
- Sidewalk chalk or paint (if outdoors)
- Marker and paper (if indoors)
Step 1
Draw or mark on a piece of paper, the hours of a clock in a clockwise position on the ground.
Step 2
Begin standing with your feet together in the centre of the clock facing the number 12.
Step 3
At the leader’s command, each child will turn a foot towards the hour.
Step 4
While in motion, swing the other foot, hip, upper body and head around until feet are parallel.
Step 5
Challenge yourself! On command, turn your feet to the hour as quickly as you can.