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Wellness day 3 grades 4 - 6 learning activities

These activities are meant to support calming and self-control in children. Trivia questions help catch focus, then that focus is used to complete a mindfulness activity that supports mental health and resiliency.

Duration: 60 - 90 Minutes


Mindfulness activity 1

Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. What is the fastest animal that lives on land?

Mindfulness Activity:

  • Sit in a comfortable spot.
  • Take a deep breath in and bring your hands together.
  • Start rubbing your hands together slowly. Now a little bit faster.
  • Count down from 10. When you get to zero stop your hands, but keep them pressed together.
  • Notice how they feel. Notice the warmth you created with a bit of movement.

Goal Hand


Time: 10 – 15 minutes


  • White paper
  • Coloured pencils or markers

Ask you child what some of their goals are. Do they have any short-term goals – things they want to get done today or this week? Do they have any long-term goals – things they want to get done in the next few months or even years?

  • Next, give your child a piece of paper and have them trace their own hand.
  • On each finger outline, ask them to write one of their short-term goals.
  • On the outline of their thumb ask them to write a long-term goal in a different colour.

Starting A New Skill


Time: 10 – 15 minutes

Let your child know that learning new things can boost our confidence by showing us how great and smart we are. Learning a new skill also takes patience, time and hard work. Ask your child if there is there anything they always wished they could learn.

There are plenty of resources on the internet that can help you learn new skills. For example, you could learn how to dance hip-hop, play an instrument, sing or learn a language.

Help your child figure out how to do the breakdancing step outlined below. Ask your child what other kinds of things they are interested in learning.

Mindfulness Activity 2


Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. What is the world’s tallest mountain – Kilimanjaro, Everest, or Denali?

Mindfulness Activity:

  • Sit in a comfortable spot.
  • Bring one hand to your belly and your other hand to your heart.
  • Take a deep breath in. Deep breath out.
  • Do you feel your heart? Notice how fast or slow it is beating.
  • As you take a deep breath in, try to make both of your hands lift. Breathe into your belly and your chest. Breathe out from your chest and your belly. Notice how you feel

Gratitude Jar

Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Jar (if possible)
  • Paper
  • Pencil or markers
  • Have your child cut a piece of paper into squares that are about 3"x3".
  • Have your child to write things they are grateful to have in their life (for example, friends, healthy bodies, a loving family, a pet or a favourite toy). Try to be as specific as possible.
  • Fill up the jar with the paper squares and keep it in a place where everyone can see it. Try to add one thing you are grateful for each day.
  • When you have a rough day and it feels like nothing is going your way, take a piece of paper out of your jar and remember how fortunate you are.
  • Feel free to decorate your Gratitude Jar with any materials/items you have available in your home.

Self-Portrait Collage


Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Paper
  • Old magazines
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers


    • Take a picture of your child’s side profile.
    • Have your child draw their profile on a white piece of paper, using the picture as a reference.
    • Have your child cut out words and images from the old magazines that describe them (if there is something they can’t find, have them draw it).
    • Use those words and images to make a collage inside the profile they have drawn.

Here is an example:

Journaling - Day 3


Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Notebook
  • Paper
  • Computer or Pen

Have your child write a daily journal to reflect on their feelings and thoughts. Use the following to help them:

  • Make a list of your qualities that you are proud of. Think of traits that make you unique and strong.
  • Keep this list and look at it from time to time, when you need to be reminded of your strengths.

Mindfulness Activity 3


Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. How many beats per minute is the pulse of a mouse – 50, 200, or 450?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Put up one hand, palm facing out and fingers spread apart.
  • Using a finger on your other hand, breathe in and move/trace your thumb from base to tip.
  • Move/trace your finger down the other side of your thumb and breathe out.
  • Do the same with the remaining four fingers, taking deep breaths in and out as you move your finger.

After you’ve reached the second side of your pinky finger, you will have done 5 complete deep breaths.​

Confident Posture


Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Mirror (optional)

Tell your child that their posture can influence their mental and physical health.

  • Have your child to write down 3-5 things that make them great. Then, have them read their list out loud, to you or in a mirror.
  • Have your child repeat their list using each type of posture:
    • Chin and heap up
    • Chin and head down
    • Standing straight
    • Standing while bending your back
    • Standing with your feet wide apart
    • Standing with your feet together
    • Using your hands to express yourself
    • Not using your hands to express yourself
    • With hands out of the pockets
    • With hands inside the pockets

At the end, ask your child about what types of posture felt the best. Ask if the postures made them feel more confident. Ask how having good posture could change the way other people see them.​

Trivia Answers


Mindfulness Activity 1: Cheetah

Mindfulness Activity 2: Everest

Mindfulness Activity 3: 450 to 750 beats per minute​
