Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 3 outdoor water restrictions are in effect. Learn more about how City services are impacted and what you can do during this stage.

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Wellness day 4 grades 4 - 6 learning activities

This activity plan is designed for youth to build skills that will help with deal with and manage stress and anxiety. You can do these activities alone or with friends over any video chat technology such as Skype, Zoom, Facetime, etc.

Duration: 60 - 90 Minutes


Mindfulness activity 1

Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. How long does it take for your fingernail to grow from the beginning to the end?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Sit in a comfortable spot.
  • Take a deep breath in and bring your hands together.
  • Start rubbing your hands together slowly. Now a little bit faster.
  • Count down from 10. When you get to zero stop your hands but keep them pressed together.
  • Notice how they feel. Notice the warmth you created with a bit of movement.

Moving to Calm


Time: 10-15 minutes

Have your child do the following poses (see picture for help).

"I am strong." Pretend to be a surfer.
  • From a standing position, step one foot back so that it is facing slightly outwards.
  • Hold out your arms so they’re even with the ground.
  • Bend your front knee and look forward.
  • Pretend to be a surfer and use your strength to balance on the waves.

"I am kind." Pretend to be a tree.

  • Balance on one leg.
  • Bend your knee and put your foot on the calf or inner thigh of your straight leg.
  • Sway back and forth like a tree.
  • Think of trees being kind by giving shade, making oxygen, and giving homes to animals.

"I am brave." Pretend to be a skier.

  • Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart
  • Bend your knees and keep a straight spine.
  • Hold your hands out in front of you and pretend to hold ski poles.

"I am friendly." Pretend to be a dog.

  • Bend down and put your hands flat on the ground.
  • Step your feet back to make an upside-down V shape with your bum high in the air.
  • Straighten your legs.
  • Relax your head and neck, looking down between your legs.
  • Think of being a friendly dog.

"I am wise." Pretend to be an owl.

  • Drop your knees to the ground and sit upright on your heels.
  • Pretend to be a wise owl sitting on a tree.
  • Twist your upper body one way and then the other.

Being Present


Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Paper
  • Pencil

Being present means enjoying the moment that you are in. It is the moment when you are calm and you know exactly what you want. You can focus on what you're doing without thinking about anything else.

Ask your child about being present. Why is it important? How can they practice? Then, give your child a piece of paper and ask them to write down (or tell you) 5 things they:

  • See
  • Hear
  • Smell
  • Feel
  • Can Touch

Sensory Book


Time: 10-15 minutes


  • 8.5x11" pieces of paper or cardstock (or you can use cardboard)
  • Clear adhesive paper
  • A hole-punch
  • A metal ring (or you can use string)
  • Glue
  • A variety of materials that are interesting to touch

Sensory toys help your child to relax, focus and calm down.

  • Give your child different kinds of materials to choose from, and have them create their own pages to a sensory book.
  • Leave space on the left side of each page so that you can tie them together using a hole-punch and rings or string.
  • Ask your child to share their pages with you. Ask them what they like about those pages.

Ideas for materials could be: feathers, sandpaper, gravel, cotton balls, fabric, pasta, rice, etc.​

Mindfulness Activity 2


Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. How wide are a hippo’s lips? 6 inches, 2 feet, or 4 feet?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Sit in a comfortable spot.
  • Bring one hand to your belly and your other hand to your heart.
  • Take a deep breath in. Deep breath out.
  • Do you feel your heart? Notice how fast or slow it is beating.
  • As you take a deep breath in try to make both of your hands lift. Breathe into your belly and your chest. Breathe out from your chest and your belly.
  • Notice how you feel.

Mindful Colouring


Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Colouring sheets (or blank paper)
  • Crayons
  • Coloured pencils or markers

Mindful Colouring asks us to focus on how we choose and use colour in a design to be aware of the present moment. Doing this is like meditating - we let go of any thoughts about tomorrow or yesterday, or what we are going to do when we finish. You can print the examples at the end of this page, or you can have your child create their own.​

Journaling - Day 4


Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Notebook
  • Paper
  • Computer
  • Pen

Have your child write a daily journal to reflect on their feelings and thoughts. Use the following to help them get started:

  • Make a list of all the colours you can think of and what feeling/emotion/mood you attach to each color

Mindfulness Activity 3


Time: 5 minutes

For this activity, you may want to turn down the lights and play quiet, relaxing music.

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. How many muscles does a cat have in each ear? 2, 32, or 47?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Lay down on your back and close your eyes.
  • Starting with your feet, gently squeeze your muscles for 10 seconds and slowly release.
  • Next, squeeze the large muscles in your calves for 10 seconds and gently release. Work your way up your body.
  • Squeeze your thigh muscles for 10 seconds and gently release.
  • Squeeze and release your hips and bum for 10 seconds.
  • Squeeze your abdomen and chest next, then gently release.
  • Make both hands into fists and squeeze tightly for 10 seconds and release.
  • Point your arms out straight and squeeze tightly, then release.
  • Finally, focus on your neck and shoulders. Raise your shoulders up towards your ears and squeeze for 10 seconds, then release.
  • Gently move your head from side to side 2-3 times and then relax.

Self-Care Brain Storm


Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Paper/poster
  • Markers

Talk with your child about self care. What is it? When do you need it? How can we practice it?

  • Have your child write down 10-15 ideas on a piece of paper.
  • Then discuss why they enjoy the activities they choose and how it makes them feel. Some examples might be singing, watching TV, hanging out with friends, or cooking.

Identify daily self-care rituals you and your child can do during quarantine/social distancing time.

Download Colouring Sheets:​​

Colouring Sheet #1
Colouring Sheet #2​​​

Trivia Answers


Mindfulness Activity 1: 6 months

Mindfulness Activity 2: 2 feet

Mindfulness Activity 3: 32​
