Tree work in your community
It is important to start with the Elm trees because they are susceptible to Dutch Elm Disease and pruning must happen when the beetles are not active, between October and March. There is a pruning ban on Elm trees in Calgary from April 1 to Sept. 30. Alberta is one of the last geographic areas in North America to be free of DED – let’s keep it that way.
You may have noticed that other types of trees that require pruning were skipped while we are concentrating on the elms. Contactors will return to these communities later in the year to prune these trees.

Cleaning up tree debris in your yard
Many community associations around the city host a Community Cleanup to help residents get rid of unwanted household items including yard waste and tree debris. Visit to find the closest event to you.
Smaller amounts of tree debris can be placed inside your green cart for regular composting pickup. Make sure branches are less than 6 inches in diameter and 4 feet in length. Make sure the lid of the cart can close.
If the cart is full, put extra debris in paper yard waste bags (roll closed) and set bags at least 0.5 m (2 ft) to the side of your green cart for pickup.
There will be no depots available for tree debris cleanup. Citizens are asked not to create unofficial dump sites in parks or other areas of Calgary. Illegal dumping is subject to a $250 fine.
How can you assist in caring for our urban forest?
- Complying with no parking signs
Temporary no parking signs will be put up prior to pruning on streets in your community. It is imperative that you comply with these parking bans to ensure our crews can complete their work and pruning in your community can be completed as quickly as possible.
- Contact 311 or use the 311 mobile app
If you notice something wrong with the health of a City tree in your community, you can submit an online request or download the 311 Calgary mobile app.
- Care for the trees on your private property
Care for the trees and shrubs on your private property in order to keep them healthy and resilient. You may also consider planting a tree to help increase the urban forest. Calgary's urban forests are critical to preserving and protecting the natural environment and, in particular, helping to improve the air quality in the city.