Highland Park – Land Use Amendment and Outline Plan Application
Regional Drainage Study Update
The final Confederation Creek Regional Drainage Study (RDS) report has now been completed and it confirms the findings in the draft report. The full report is posted below, in sections:
The goal of the RDS was to find a stormwater management option which met the following objectives:
- Reduce the magnitude of overland flooding at key locations.
- Maximize the amount of developable land within the former Highland Park Golf Course (HPGC) lands.
- Reduce the likelihood of overland flows crossing the future Green Line LRT.
- Reduce the risks associated with dam safety.
After careful analysis and consideration, the study has determined that Option 4 best meets the four objectives. Option 4 requires several areas for stormwater storage, including within the former HPGC lands.
Based on the Confederation Creek RDS findings, it is now clear that the Landowner will be unable to develop the HPGC lands as contemplated in the conditionally approved outline plan. However, this does not necessarily mean that no development can occur on these lands once the identified stormwater solutions are implemented.
Crown Ownership Update
Through an inquiry made by The City of Calgary in November 2017, Alberta Environment and Parks confirmed the Province’s intent to make a Crown claim for a portion of the lands in the Confederation Creek catchment (which includes the former Highland Park Golf Course) related to the alignment of historical Confederation Creek.
In October 2018, The City of Calgary received a letter from Alberta Environment and Parks indicating a reversal of the Crown claim in the Confederation Creek catchment.
Any questions about the reversal of the Crown claim in the Confederation Creek catchment should be directed to Alberta Environment and Parks.
Project Background
In December 2014, The City received an application from the landowner, Maple Projects Inc., to redevelop the former Highland Park Golf Course lands. The application proposed a variety of multi-residential buildings of varying heights and forms, commercial retail space, and open space components including parks and pathways. There were two parts to the application: an outline plan and a land use amendment.
- An outline plan informs the future subdivision of the lands, including infrastructure, road size and location, distribution of open space and the location of various land use districts. Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) is responsible for making a decision on the outline plan. The outline plan was conditionally approved by CPC in October 2017.
- A land use amendment is used to change the existing land use designation (zoning) to accommodate the land use proposed in the outline plan. City Council is responsible for making a decision on the land use amendment. The land use amendment was approved by Council in March 2017.
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