Calgary Planning Commission

Calgary Planning Commission is a committee appointed annually by City Council. The commission acts as the Approving Authority on all subdivision matters and as Development Authority on some development matters.

The Calgary Planning Commission makes recommendations to Council on land use and planning items such as Area Structure Plans, land use designations, and street and lane closures. The commission responds to any planning-related requests from Council. The meetings of the Calgary Planning Commission are held in public but they are not public hearings. The recommendations of the Commission relating to land use planning policy or redesignation are directed to Council. City Council is the body who holds public hearings on these matters.

Members of the Calgary Planning Commission

The Commission is made up of the following members:

Administration Members

Calgary Planning Commission Chair
Manager, Planning Advisory and Coordination
Christian Lee
Phone: (368) 889-8827

Calgary Planning Commission Vice-Chair
Director of Downtown Strategy
Thom Mahler
Phone: (403) 268-4461

CPC Administration
Phone: (403) 268-1482

Citizen Members

Nathan Hawryluk

Shawn Small

Latosia Campbell-Walters

Jim Gordon

Rose-Mary Damiani

Chris Hardwicke

Brenden Montgomery

Michelle Pink

Sameer Remtulla

Kathrine Wagner

Calgary Planning Commission meets in Council Chamber at 1 p.m. every second Thursday. Visitors attending Calgary Planning Commission will be subject to security screening when entering the Council Chamber. 

The meeting agenda for the Commission is normally available in the afternoon of the Friday before the date of the Commission meeting.

Upcoming Calgary Planning Commission meetings

A webcast of the biweekly meeting of Calgary Planning Commission can be viewed on the Council and Committee webcasts page.

If you are looking for archived Minutes or Agendas, please email a request to

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This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
