Citywide Growth Strategy: Industrial
Why industrial areas are important
Industrial lands are a crucial part of Calgary's economy. They cover about 7,000 hectares. They bring in around $300 million, or 22%, of the city's annual tax revenue.
In 2020, Calgary's industrial sectors provided over 66,000 jobs, making up 11% of all jobs in the city. Calgary supports many growing industrial businesses, such as warehousing and storage, trucking, food and beverage manufacturing, and machinery manufacturing.
In 2016, the Industrial Strategy Working Group was created. Its goal is to improve Calgary's industrial sector. It aims to make Calgary more competitive and develop its industrial lands.
The group includes members from the City of Calgary, industry associations, landowners, developers, and Calgary Economic Development. It also has consultants, industrial brokers, the Calgary Airport Authority, and various city departments. They all work together to guide the strategy and action plan.
About the Industrial Action Plan
The Industrial Action Plan is part of the Citywide Growth Strategy. It aims to make Calgary more competitive economically. It focuses on developing Calgary's industrial lands.
The plan includes actions from a consultant's report and priorities from the Industrial Strategy Working Group. It aligns with other City of Calgary initiatives that focus on industrial growth.
Project documents
For more information contact:
Planning & Development Services
Industrial Land Map
Citywide Growth Strategy: Targeted Amendments to Existing Industrial Area Structure Plans, IP2024-0587 (Item 7.3.1) approved by Council.
Targeted Amendments to Existing Area Structure Plans presented at Infrastructure and Planning Committee (Item 7.2).
Citywide Growth Strategy: 2023 Industrial Action Plan, IP2023-0346 (Item 7.7) was approved by Council.
Citywide Growth Strategy in the 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets Cycle (IP2022-0545) at Combined Council meeting.
The 2022 Industrial Action Plan was approved by Council (Item 7.11).
Citywide Growth Strategy: Industrial report to Council. (PUD2021-0150).
Council provided clarity on the process for The Strategy through the 2019 Growth Monitoring Report PFC2019-1062 (Item 7.12, recommendation #8.d).
Action Plan updates
Targeted Amendments to Existing Industrial Area Structure Plans
On July 16, 2024, Citywide Growth Strategy: Targeted Amendments to Existing Industrial Area Structure Plans was presented at a public hearing of Council, and the proposed Bylaws , 59P2024, 60P2024 , 61P2024, 62P2024 and 63P2024 were approved.
This review was done because of Action A.2 in the 2023 Industrial Action Plan. It aimed to update specific policies to reduce barriers and match current industrial trends. A full summary is available of the extensive engagement with industry, interested parties, and the public. This helped shape the proposed policy changes for Industrial Area Structure Plans.
The policy changes focus on land use and transportation. They aim to improve future industrial developments in the Revised Stoney Industrial ASP (2005), Northeast Industrial ASP (2007), Saddle Ridge ASP (1984), Southeast Industrial ASP (1996), and Southeast 68 Street Industrial ASP (2010) areas. Changes included:
- Increased Flexibility for Development Density
Remove policies that limit maximum density based on transportation analyses or floor area ratio. This aligns with current application review standards.
- Increased Flexibility for Medium Industrial Uses
Allow medium industrial developments next to entranceway roads. Ensure they follow design guidelines to promote industrial growth.
- Alignment of Local Commercial Uses Policies
Increase flexibility for local commercial uses in the Saddle Ridge Area. Support local employees and development feasibility. Ensure consistency with the Revised Stoney and Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plans.
- Land Use Concept Map Alignment
Update the Land Use Concept Map and Transportation Infrastructure Map. Ensure they match the Southeast 68 Street Industrial Area Structure Plan and the approved Outline Plan. Reflect the current development stage.
- Application Process Alignment
Remove policies about concept plans and transportation analyses. Ensure they match the current application review process. Increase efficiency in the permit approval process.
Pre-servicing of Industrial Lands
We’re excited to share an update on the Industrial Action Plan. This update responds to feedback from industrial developers and Council's direction in the 2022 Industrial Action Plan. The goal is to make industrial development more cost-effective.
- Allowing pre-servicing lets developers install services earlier, before roads are paved. This reduces cuts into new roads, preserving their integrity. It also eliminates extra permits, work, costs, and time for re-paving and road warranties.
- Developers benefit from having contractors on site for similar utility work. This reduces the need for single service connections later. It also limits disruption to existing businesses from road work.
- Most importantly, this improves Calgary’s industrial sector by lowering land development costs. It allows new industries to open sooner because services are already in place.
Completed actions
MDP and LUB Amendments
We’re excited to share updates about changes to the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB). These changes support Calgary's industrial sector.
On July 26, 2022, Council approved policy and regulation improvements from the 2022 Industrial Action Plan (item 8.2.1). These amendments reduce planning and development barriers. They make it easier for businesses to open and operate in Calgary’s industrial areas.
The updated policies and regulations strengthen Calgary’s role as a distribution hub. They support the industrial sector as a key part of Calgary’s resilient and diverse economy.
MDP Amendments
- Changes to land use policies for Standard Industrial Areas and Industrial-Employee Intensive Areas. These changes encourage keeping large industrial parcels.
Land Use Bylaw Amendments
- Allow more Permitted Uses along major streets and expressways in the general industrial district (I-G). This streamlines development and reduces the need for relaxations and land use redesignations.
- Allow Development Permit exemptions for change-of-use developments for certain Permitted Uses in the business industrial, commercial industrial, and general industrial districts (I-B, I-C, and I-G).
- Eliminate the maximum building height rule for most parcels in the general industrial district (I-G). This aligns with industry trends and reduces the need for relaxations.
- Add General Industrial – Light as a Permitted Use in the business industrial district (I-B). This addresses the limited range of industrial uses and reduces the need for Land Use Amendments.
- Add Vehicle Rental - Minor as a Discretionary Use in the general industrial and industrial redevelopment districts (I-G and I-R). This aligns with compatible uses.
- Improve regulations for waste management, recycling, and storage. Remove barriers to allow recycling facilities to operate more easily in industrial areas.
Direct Control District (DC) pilot project
The Direct Control District (DC) is a pilot project for new industrial land development. It offers more flexibility and certainty to landowners, tenants, and developers. It addresses current industrial land use planning challenges.
The new DC combines three existing industrial districts:
- Industrial General (I-G)
- Industrial Business (I-B)
- Industrial Commercial (I-C)
It allows various permitted uses to speed up the approval process by reducing or eliminating the need for change of use permits and land use redesignations.
The DC can be used on vacant industrial parcels and those next to major streets like Arterial Streets and Industrial Arterial Streets. Parcels in established or occupied industrial areas, such as Greenview or Manchester, do not qualify for this DC.
Development Enabling Regulatory Improvements

Municipal Development Plan
Calgary’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is our vision for the next 60 years. Calgary is expected to grow to two million people, and it is important to plan for our future.
The MDP works with the Calgary Transportation Plan (CTP). It aims to provide services that Calgarians want. It focuses on being financially sustainable, protecting the environment, and supporting a strong economy.
Learn more in Sec 2.1.2 of the Municipal Development PlanIndustrial Area Structure Plans (Local Area Plans)
There are five Industrial Area Structure Plans (ASPs). They refine and implement the City's broader planning goals from the MDP and CTP. These plans shape the physical environment to achieve orderly, economical, and compatible development. They support business and industrial growth.
The industrial ASPs are for the Northeast, Nose Creek, Shepard, Southeast 68 Street, Southeast, and Stoney areas.
Find out more in the Community and Area Plans section of the Planning and Development Resource Library.

Land Use Bylaw
The Land Use Bylaw sets the rules for development in Calgary. It also explains how development permit decisions are made. Part 8 of the bylaw covers the eight industrial districts that regulate industrial development. Efforts are underway to simplify these regulations.
Learn more about the Land Use Bylaw