Centre City
On February 13, 2017, the Centre City Guidebook was adopted by Calgary City Council. The guidebook sets out a framework for development and common policies to guide growth and change for developed areas in Calgary. The Centre City Guidebook is one of a set of three guidebooks for Volume 2 of the Municipal Development Plan (MDP). The Centre City Guidebook will join the New Community Guidebook and the Guide for Local Area Planning, which will apply to the remainder of developed areas outside the Centre City. The Centre City Guidebook is intended to be read in combination with a local area plan.

Supporting Documents
The Supporting Documents outline a summary of information and a history of the public engagement process that took place during the update of the East Village ARP and the development of the Centre City Guidebook.
- July 19 2016 - What we heard report
- November 23, 2016 - Information sessions boards
- November 23, 2016 - What we heard report
- Municipal Development Plan (Centre City Guidebook – Volume 2, Part 2)
Juliet Pitts
Planner, Community Planning