Soccer Centre Dome & Artificial Turf Field Upgrade

Calgary Soccer Centre Soccer Centre dome & artificial turf field upgrade

The Calgary Soccer Centre (CSC) currently has three outdoor artificial turf fields and one outdoor natural turf field. This project will:

  • Upgrade the outdoor natural turf field to an artificial turf field.
  • Cover it with an air-supported structure (dome).
  • Add a new amenity building that will include eight change rooms, one referee change room, a universal public washroom, as well as additional staff spaces.
  • Upgrade the parking lot and storm water management at CSC.

Project update | January 2025

The Dome is up!

Though there’s still significant work to be done before the Calgary Soccer Centre Dome is operational, the inflation marks an important milestone for the project.

We are committed to making the facility available for use as soon as possible and are anticipating that the facility will be open to the public by the spring of 2025.

We truly appreciate your patience as we finish up construction on this exciting new facility. Stay tuned for information on the grand opening event! 

Soccer Centre Dome construction project update


The Calgary Soccer Centre (CSC) Dome and Artificial Turf Field Upgrade includes: 

  • Upgrading the natural turf field to a competition-sized 11 vs. 11 indoor artificial turf field.
  • Building an air-supported structure (dome) over the new artificial turf field.
  • A new amenity building that will include participant change rooms, a referee change room and a universal public washroom.
  • Improving the parking lot infrastructure by paving the west parking lot and adding approximately 100 additional parking spots.
  • Upgrading the storm water management to prevent localized flooding. 


This project will:

  • Create a full-sized indoor rectangular field, providing citizens with a high-quality, year-round practice and play space.
  • Complement existing amenities at the CSC, accommodating a broad range of sport and recreation opportunities.
  • Increase the CSC’s capacity to host tournaments.

Investment in this project will also generate approximately 150 jobs and contribute $21.2 million to the GDP1.


Access to most Calgary Soccer Centre facilities will remain open throughout construction.

The natural outdoor field will be closed during construction. Access to the CSC, Annex, and outdoor fields will remain open.

89 trees were removed from the site to facilitate construction, however 82 new trees were planted as part of the project upgrades. 


  • 2019 – Council approves Administration’s proposed One Calgary four-year capital budget, including funding for maintenance and renewals at existing City recreation facilities. 
  • 2021 – Council approves the Revised Calgary Recreation Capital Investment Strategy, Report C2021-0911 (to provide funding for the air-inflated dome over the new artificial turf field)
  • August 2021 – Design development begins
  • April 2024 – Construction begins
  • Fall 2024 – N.W. parking lot improvements complete
  • Spring 2025 – Facility reopens to the public


The current budget for this project is $28 million and has been approved as part of the Revised Calgary Recreation Capital Investment Strategy and Calgary 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets. Some funding has also been provided from the Centralized Climate Fund.

1Based on estimates from Infrastructure Calgary’s economic impact assessment model

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