17 Avenue S.E. Corridor Study - Deerfoot Trail to Stoney Trail
Project Overview
17 Avenue S.E. provides an important regional connection between Calgary and Chestermere. It is also identified in the Calgary Transportation Plan as part of the Primary Transit and Primary Cycling Networks.
The 17 Avenue Corridor Study is being completed in two sections. The first section, from Deerfoot Trail to Stoney Trail, was approved by City Council in 2010 and was completed in 2011.
Since June 2015, we are conducting the study between Stoney Trail and the east City Limit (116 Street S.E.).
Study Area
The study area boundaries are one block north and south of both 9 Avenue S.E. (in Inglewood) and one block north and south of 17 Avenue S.E. (in Forest Lawn). They include the downtown in the west to the East Ring Road in the east.
Next Steps
The City is proceeding with the planning and design for construction of the Transitway, which is expected to begin in 2016, pending approval of GreenTRIP funding.
In June 2007, The City of Calgary's Land Use Planning and Policy (LUPP) launched the Southeast 17 Corridor Study to determine the land use conditions for the corridor. The results of this study were presented to City Council in 2010.
AECOM Canada was contracted to conduct a planning study to determine the transportation and transit requirements for 17 Avenue S.E. from Deerfoot to the East Ring Road. However, the study boundaries were extended to downtown through the Inglewood area to examine the feasibility of a Bus Rapid Transit line from the Elbow River to Deerfoot Trail. The study area also included the Inglewood community to interface with the 17 Avenue S.E. transit line.
The planning study objectives included:
- addressing connectivity for all transportation modes (walking, cycling, transit, and driving)
- identifying the right of way requirements to accommodate the proposed improvements to the corridor
- goods movement (truck traffic)
- access to and from the corridor
- parking requirements
In 2011 Council approved the closure of 37 Street S.E. and the Southeast 17 Corridor Implementation Strategy Update. The implementation strategies are funding dependent.
A report (TT2012-12) on 17 Avenue S.E. Transitway was presented to the Standing Policy Committee on Transportation and Transit in April 2012. The report identifies project phasing and next steps.
In January 2014, Council approved funding sources for Phase 1 of the 17 Avenue S.E. Transitway project (26 Street S.E. to Hubalta Road). Full details are contained in this presentation that was given to Council.
Related documents
- 17 Avenue SE Study Executive Summary
- Southeast 17 Corridor Scoping Document
- Attachment 1 - Previous Council Direction
- Attachment 2 - Project Phasing
- Attachment 3 - Preliminary Project Timeline
- Southeast 17 Corridor Implementation Strategy Update Report to SPC
- Forest Lawn/Inglewood 2nd Open House Notice
- Forest Lawn 2nd Open House Boards
- Inglewood 2nd Open House Boards
- Newsletter Fall 2009
- Forest Lawn 1st Open House Notice
- Forest Lawn 1st Open House Boards
- Inglewood 1st Open House Notice
- Inglewood 1st Open House Boards