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Stage 3 outdoor water restrictions are in effect. Learn more about how City services are impacted and what you can do during this stage.

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Project update – October 26, 2022

Construction on 19 Avenue S.E. is now complete. Occasional short-term closures may be required for cleanup and deficiency work. Thank you for your patience and support over the past two years as we completed the East Central – Phase 2 improvements.

The project is part of our work to improve access and connectivity for people who walk, wheel, and drive along 19 Avenue S.E. and 28 Street S.E. These corridor improvement projects are a continuation of the East Central Complete Street Network Project.

Phase 2 focused on improvements along the following corridors:

19 Avenue S.E.

  • 19 Avenue S.E. between 26 and 48 Street S.E.
  • 48 Street S.E. between 19 and 20 Avenue S.E.
  • 20 Avenue S.E. between 48 and 52 Street S.E.

28 Street S.E. (completed in 2021)

  • From Radcliffe Drive S.E. (Franklin LRT station) to 19 Avenue S.E. (17 Avenue BRT Station)

What we accomplished in 2022

This year, work on 19 Avenue S.E. was conducted in 10 sections, starting on the west end at 26 Street S.E., and moving eastward as each zone was completed. Improvements included:

  • Construction of new curbs and gutters;
  • Installation of new sections of pathways and sidewalks;
  • Upgrades to existing substandard sidewalks;
  • Installation of dedicated wheeling lanes – both protected on-street and off-street facilities;
  • New permanent curb extensions at intersections;
  • Minor landscape rehabilitation; and
  • A new traffic signal at 19 Avenue & 36 Street S.E. (completed in 2021).

The corridor was also re-paved following construction.

The City’s Complete Streets program considers the needs of all road users, including age, physical ability and equity. Improvements under the program will benefit everyone by providing transportation options that allow people to walk, wheel and take transit.

Project goals

  • Improving safety and predictability of road use by providing dedicated facilities for all users, traffic calming, and improving key intersections.
  • Providing a wheeling network connection to support local and regional travel.
  • Supporting pedestrian travel by building missing infrastructure and adding curb extensions.
  • Promoting slower vehicle speeds by narrowing the width of the road.

These features will improve safety and predictability of road use, provide a wheeling network connection to support local and regional travel, and support pedestrian access.

General FAQs

What is the project scope?

The City is making improvements along the 19 Avenue S.E. and 28 Street S.E. corridors. 

The 19 Avenue S.E. corridor includes the following sections:

  • 19 Avenue S.E. between 26 and 48 Street S.E.
  • 48 Street S.E. between 19 and 20 Avenue S.E.
  • 20 Avenue S.E. between 48 and 52 Street S.E.
The 28 Street S.E. corridor is from the Franklin LRT Station at Radcliffe Drive to the 17 Avenue BRT Station. Construction on this corridor was completed in 2021.

This map shows an overview of the corridors.

What improvements are being implemented along these corridors?

We are making 19 Avenue S.E. and 28 Street S.E. friendly for people who walk, wheel (bike, scoot, etc.) and drive.

Concepts were presented to interested parties to obtain feedback during the engagement phase in August 2020. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. Visit the East Central – Phase 2 engagement page to see the designs presented during engagement and to read the What We Heard report.

Construction began in 2021. When construction is complete, you can look forward to:

  • Addition of missing sidewalks 
  • Installation of dedicated wheeling lanes – both protected on-street and off-street facilities
  • New permanent curb extensions at intersections 
  • A new traffic signal at 19 Avenue & 36 Street S.E. (completed in 2021)

View the detailed plans here:

What do curb extensions do?

A curb extension reduces crossing distance for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections. It allows pedestrians and drivers to see each other when parked cars would otherwise block visibility. Curb extensions increase the likelihood that drivers will stop for someone waiting to walk across the road. Curb extensions also alert drivers to changing road conditions and encourage lower speeds when travelling through an intersection or turning right by narrowing the road.

What is a wheeling facility?

A wheeling facility (also called a cycle track, cycle path or cycle lane) is a lane separated from other modes of traffic. Providing separate facilities for those who wheel, walk or drive and makes sharing the road a more safe and predictable experience for everyone.

Project timelines

  • July 2020 – preliminary design work
  • August 2020 – public engagement
  • Fall 2020 – design concept completed, incorporating what we heard during public engagement
  • Spring 2021 – detailed designs shared with the community
  • Summer 2021 – construction started
  • Fall 2021 – 28 Street S.E. construction completed.
  • Winter 2021 – 2022 construction season planning
  • Spring 2022 – construction resumes on 19 Avenue S.E.
  • Fall 2022– construction completion *We are here*

Detailed designs


Online public engagement occurred in August 2020. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. 

Learn more by reading the What We Heard report.

Visit the East Central – Phase 2 engagement page to see the design concepts that were presented during engagement.

Related links

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
