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Project update - August 2023

Work is now complete on the Greenview Area Improvements project. Improvements include new connections, road repaving, curb work and extensions, and improved pedestrian access.

These enhancements improve mobility for people who walk, wheel and drive and complete the missing links in our mobility network to create safer pedestrian access to the businesses in the area, as well as to accommodate future development in the area.

The Pop-up Park is a community park on the corner of Centre Street and 40 Avenue N.E. The park, pathway, and sidewalk connections were completed as part of the project. The park is a future Green Line stop that has been reimagined to create a pop-up park for interim use.

Project Overview

As part of the Greenview Area Improvements project, we improved pedestrian safety, added pathway and sidewalk connections, and created an interim use pop-up community park in the adjacent community of Highland Park for everyone to enjoy

Why now?

This project is part of the Established Areas Growth and Change Strategy. It supports established communities where growth and change are happening. The Strategy recommends reinvestment that will support citizens and businesses in areas that are experiencing growth and change. Public realm improvement projects will improve or upgrade infrastructure within communities experiencing growth and change. 

These improvements will encourage people to explore and spend time in the spaces within their communities and support continued reinvestment in communities. 

Mobility improvements

Adding missing sidewalks as shown on the above map

12 Street illustration

Examples: Sidewalk & Adaptive Sidewalk configuration

12 Street illustration

Adding missing pathways to connect to existing pathway connections as shown on the map

  • From 1 Street N.E. cul-de-sac to Laycock Drive N.E./1 Street N.E.

40 Avenue N.E. temporary park space

We are enhancing City vacant land at Centre Street N and 40 Avenue N.E. to create a pop-up park for interim use. This Park improvement will increase activity and create stronger community connections.

Popup park preferred concept design

Click to open image

What is a pop-up park?

A pop-up park involves activating a public space to build a park that the public can use for interim use. The benefits of a pop-up park include a convenient way to add parks to underutilized public spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Why is this pop-up park considered interim (temporary)?

The pop-up park being created at City vacant land at Centre Street N and 40 Avenue N.E. will be for interim (temporary) use. The long term vision of the Green Line LRT project is to go further north than the current stage one plan that stops at 16 Avenue N. Therefore, the park use will need to change when the Green Line LRT project is expanded further north. There is no set date for this work at this time.

What are the next steps?

A What We Heard report is available online. The results of the public feedback along with technical expertise will determine the final design for the pop-up park. To see more details of our engagement or to read the what we hear report check out our website at


  • Community Engagement: Complete
  • Preliminary & Detailed Designs: Spring 2022
  • Hire contractor: Early Summer 2022
  • Prepare the construction zone: Summer 2022
  • Mobility and sidewalk construction: Summer – Winter 2022
  • Pop-up Park Construction: Spring 2023
  • Construction Completion: Summer 2023

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