Realizing the MDP and CTP
Shaping how communities we live and work in grow, develop and evolve over time.
The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Calgary Transportation Plan (CTP) are long-range plans that provide policy direction for how we will deliver transportation options to Calgarians for the next 60 years. To manage how Calgary grows and changes, seven goals and 14 core indicators were created to help us measure our progress.
The goals

A prosperous economy
Planning for our economy’s long-term sustainability to ensure that current and future generations are resilient and adaptable to economic cycles and unanticipated changes.

Good urban design
Good urban design is the result of collaboration and coordination between various disciplines, creating public places that people enjoy.

Managing growth and change
Founded on the principles of sustainable development and guided by fiscal responsibility and managed growth, these goals will stimulate growth and change across the city for the next 60 years.

A compact city
A dispersed and spread out population creates some social, economic and environmental challenges. In a compact city, balancing growth between new and developed areas builds vibrant, thriving communities. A compact city is made up of complete communities that provide a broad range of housing choices and services, as well as high-quality transit and transportation options.

Connecting the city
The design of the transportation system has a significant impact on how a city grows and how people get around. The Municipal Development Plan encourages more sustainable transportation options such as walking, wheeling and transit to create a system that provides more choice. This means prioritizing investment to improve transit networks, designing streets to accommodate walking and wheeling, and improving connectivity.

Great communities
Great communities are flexible. They adapt to the needs of current and future residents by providing a variety of housing options and services so that people can meet their day-to-day needs within their own neighbourhood. They make it easier for a person to find a place to live and grow in any community, regardless of stage of life, income or age.

Greening the city
Protecting environmentally sensitive areas and promoting renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, low-impact development for stormwater management, construction of green buildings, and encouraging walking and wheeling all work together to make Calgary more environmentally friendly.
Core indicators
The 14 Core Indicators for Land Use and Mobility measure our progress towards achieving the goals of the MDP and CTP. It is important to track our progress towards achieving our goals. This information is prepared before each business planning cycle, which guides the work we do.
As part of the Next 20 project, a review of the core indicators was done. The review showed that The City has made good progress on several core indicators and will need to continue to make diligent decisions in order to achieve others. It also showed that not all the core indicators measure the MDP and CTP outcomes.
On November 2, 2020, Council approved a recommendation to propose changes to the core indicators. Throughout 2021 we will review the core indicators. In 2022 recommended changes to the core indicators and any relevant policies within the MDP and CTP will be prepared and shared with Council for their consideration.