Neighbourhood Streets - 21 St. & 33 Ave. S.W.

Neighbourhood Streets - 21 St. & 33 Ave. S.W.

Project update – July 2021

Phase 1 of public engagement is now closed. A What We Heard report is now available here.

Phase 2 of public engagement is currently delayed and a date to provide feedback is still being determined. Please check back for updates on the project timeline. If you have questions, the project team can be contacted directly by email at

The City is testing a Neighbourhood Streets pilot policy with the goal of creating streets where neighbours can connect and have access to travel options for all ages and abilities. As part of the Neighbourhood Streets Program, The City will be installing temporary traffic calming measures at the intersection of 21 Street and 33 Avenue S.W.

The City will start with temporary materials in 2020, so we can engage with the community about their impacts and effectiveness before determining where permanent solutions should be implemented.

This project includes:

  • Creating partial access onto northbound 21 Street S.W. from 33 Avenue S.W. Only vehicles traveling westbound on 33 Avenue S.W. will be able to turn to travel north on 21 Street S.W. This traffic calming measure will also prevent vehicles travelling southbound on 21 Street S.W. from accessing 33 Avenue S.W.
  • A no right turn condition will be in place from 3:30 – 6 p.m. on southbound 20 Street at 32 Avenue S.W. to reduce cut-through traffic.
  • Signage and street markings to help those travelling in the area understand upcoming traffic conditions.
  • Community engagement to evaluate and understand the effectiveness and impacts of the temporary traffic calming measures put in place.
  • Installation of permanent infrastructure in coordination with future Main Streets construction in the area, based on prioritization and available resources.

Click to enlarge image

Here are more details about the different traffic calming measures being installed as part of this project:

Partial Access – created using traffic calming curbs

By installing traffic calming curbs at the intersection of 21 Street and 33 Avenue S.W. vehicle access will be maintained to all homes, though depending upon origins and destinations some trip routes might be slightly changed.

Benefits of partial access

  • Decrease short-cutting and reduces volume of vehicles on the street
  • Provides all directions access for people walking and wheeling
  • Retains vehicle access to all homes
  • Maintains all existing curbside parking

The benefit of traffic calming curbs

  • Using traffic calming curbs to create partial access allows The City to validate and test the impacts of this change with the community and make adjustments before installing permanent infrastructure.


  • 21 Street and 33 Avenue S.W.


New signage will be installed to help road users understand upcoming traffic conditions and reduce cut-through traffic.

Signs and locations:

  • No left turn sign
    • Eastbound 33 Avenue S.W. approaching 21 Street S.W.
  • No right turn sign
    • Southbound on  20 Street at 32 Avenue S.W. from 3:30 – 6 p.m. to reduce cut-through traffic at peak times
  • No through traffic sign
    • Southbound installed on the traffic calming curbs at the intersection of 21 Street and 33 Avenue S.W.
    • Southbound traffic on 21 Street at 32 Avenue S.W. to give drivers advance warning that there is no access to 33 Avenue S.W.

Project engagement

The City has been working with the community to understand mobility concerns within Marda Loop over the last two years. The area chosen for temporary improvements this year were identified by feedback we heard from the community along with other considerations such as policy and technical analysis.

We will continue to offer opportunities for public engagement as this project progresses. Phase 1 of online engagement is open. Check back here or sign up for the project email updates to stay informed about upcoming opportunities.

Marda Loop Main Streets

The City has developed a Streetscape Master Plan for 33 and 34 Avenues S.W. (Marda Loop) based on citizen and community member feedback, technical knowledge and financial considerations.

The concept of a Main Street reflects the integration between public space, business, and people. The Streetscape Master Plan supports the needs identified by the community and provides a vision that guides the detailed design and construction phases.

Since 2018, The City has been engaging with residents, businesses, pedestrians, commuters, and shoppers to gather feedback on the design elements and principles to be considered for 33 and 34 Avenues S.W. Main Streets.

For more information on 33/34 Avenues S.W. Streetscape Master Plan, please visit

Project timeline

  • Phase 2 (Date TBD) - public engagement to understand the effectiveness and impacts of the temporary installations
  • Future phase - begin the installation of permanent measures as resources are available and in coordination with Main Streets work on 33 Avenue S.W.

Related topics:

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