Destination Marlborough: Public bus space improvements
Project update – October 7, 2021
Good news, the final piece of work for this project is now complete.
We completed the following activities at the public space near the bus stop located at Marlborough Way south of Maryvale Drive N.E:
- Painted a new mural of artwork (see photo).
- This mural is an artistic interpretation of images, words, and phrases submitted by the students of Bob Edwards School in Marlborough as a response to the theme "My Hope for the Future of Marlborough".

Mural photo submitted by students from Bob Edwards School
In 2020, the following work was completed at the public space near the bus stop (see photo):
- Added a bus shelter to help provide citizens with protection from the weather elements while waiting for the bus.
- Created a bench with planters making the space more comfortable for people taking transit.
- Added a mini library to create a vibrant public space (see photo)
Installed an interactive and colourful art installation using recycled material that is created by lead local visual artist, Daniel J Kirk and his team from Blank Page Studio.

Destination Marlborough, located at Marlborough Way, south of Maryvale Drive N.E. - Photo provide by Kirsten Phillips / LiveWire Calgary

The mini library has a number of different books for people to enjoy while waiting for the bus. Photo provide by Kirsten Phillips / LiveWire Calgary
Project overview
During Phase 1 of East Central, we learned through public engagement that residents wanted to see a more vibrant and healthy community through creating safe and interesting public spaces.
To improve public spaces that would help to change the way residents see and experience the community of Marlborough, we partnered with the non-profit organization, Sustainable Calgary to collaborate on a new project called Destination Marlborough.
Through this project, we will transform a popular public bus space near Marlborough Mall located at Marlborough Way south of Maryvale Drive N.E. into an inviting, creative and vibrant public space for all Calgarians to enjoy.
To accomplish this, we will be implementing the following changes at the popular bus space:
- Adding a bus shelter to help provide citizens with protection from the weather elements while waiting for the bus.
- Installing an interactive and colorful art installation using recycled material that is created by local artists.
- Creating a bench with planters making the space more comfortable for people taking transit.
- Adding a mini library to create a vibrant public space.
- Adding a new mural of artwork that was submitted by local school students in Marlborough.
You can view the design and site plan for this project. Watch this video to learn more about what inspired a local artist to develop recycled oil barrels into art for the public space near bus stop.
Public bus space now
Public bus space after changes
Benefits for people living in the community include:
- An accessible and comfortable destination; inviting social interaction among people living in the Marlborough community.
- A vibrant and inviting public bus space in an area where improvements to several streets for people walking and cycling has already been made.
- A more interesting and comfortable space for people waiting to take transit.
Background information
In Phase 1 – East Central Complete Street Network Project, The City made improvements to several streets in East Central Calgary to safely accommodate all travel modes. This included installing a wheeling network, making pedestrian enhancements such as curb extensions and adding an RRFB (rectangular rapid flashing beacon) pedestrian flasher on Marlborough Way behind the Marlborough Mall.

Frequently asked questions
Why are these changes being made?
These changes create a more inviting public space for people who walk, cycle or take transit in the Marlborough community. In addition, these changes are extensions of the recent wheeling facilities and pedestrian improvements that help to make Marlborough a more accessible and connected.
How much did this project cost?
These changes to the public space near the bus stop are extensions of the recent wheeling facilities and pedestrian improvements that help to make Marlborough a more accessible and connected community. The cost to implement these changes was $40K and it was funded by the Phase 1 – East Central Complete Streets Project.
When will the changes to the public bus space happen?
We anticipate all the changes planned for the space near the bus stop located at Marlborough Way south of Maryvale Drive N.E. to be completed in summer 2021.
Will the changes impact access to Marlborough Mall?
While the changes to the public bus space are implemented, there will be no impact to accessing the Marlborough Mall for people walking, wheeling or driving in the area.
Will transit be impacted?
Transit routes will be maintained while changes to the public bus space are installed. For more information, visit
Project timelines
Finalize design
- September, 2020 - COMPLETE
Install changes to bus space
- Work starts: Sept. 28, 2020
- Project completion: Summer 2021 - COMPLETE
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