Accessible parking zones
The City installs accessible parking zones for exclusive use by people with disabilities.
Residential disabled parking zones
Disabled residential street parking is designated on request under the following conditions:
- The residence is home to a disabled person, and
- Off-street parking is not available, or
- The condition of the disability hampers access to off-street parking.
To request a residential disabled parking spot, please submit an online application with the following attachments:
- A copy of your blue parking placard from Service Alberta.
- A copy of your placard registration showing your current address.

Calgary Transit Access loading zones
If you need space in front of your residence for exclusive use by a Calgary Transit Access vehicle, please send us the following with your request:
- Your Calgary Transit - Access Calgary customer registration number.
- Current address where space is requested.

We also accept requests by email and by fax:
By email:
Use the subject line:
Accessible parking documents
By fax:
403-268-4635 (Sent to the attention of Parking Technician)