Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Project update - January 2023

The majority of work for the Banff Trail Improvements project is now complete. The new ramp from westbound 16 Avenue to northbound Crowchild Trail N.W. is open to traffic, and work on the noise wall on the south side of 16 Avenue between 24 and 20a Street N.W. is winding down.

There will be minor work when crews come back in the spring to complete including the railings on the pedestrian bridge, removing the Crowchild Trail overhead bridge signage, and landscaping work.

We want to thank residents and commuters as we have been working to complete these projects. 

Project background

The Foothills Hospital/Stadium/Banff Trail Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) area forms part of the University Major Activity Centre in the Municipal Development Plan (MDP). It also covers low and medium priority redevelopment locations in the City's Growth Management Framework.

Growth projections indicate that the Foothills Hospital/Stadium/Banff Trail TOD area is anticipated to see an increase in population density over the next 10 to 20 years; To accommodate this, a number of improvements are required to local infrastructure.

Project scope

We are coordinating and consolidating multiple needs in the area and taking a holistic approach to all the work that needs to get done; this will help reduce multiple and consecutive disruptions to the same area. The combined work is now called: The Banff Trail Area Improvements Project.

The Banff Trail Area Improvements project combines what would have otherwise been the following four individual projects:

1. 16 Avenue N: Lane widening from Crowchild Trail N.W. to 20A Street N.W.


  • Adding one eastbound lane along 16 Avenue N.W. (from Crowchild Trail N.W. to 20A Street N.W.)
  • Adding a pedestrian ramp to the pedestrian bridge east of Banff Trail N.W. on the north side of 16 Avenue N.W., painting the handrails, and replacing / relocating the existing staircase.
  • Relocating a westbound Calgary Transit bus stop on 16 Avenue N.W. from east of the Banff Trail pedestrian bridge to west of Banff Trail N.W.
  • Re-aligning the Banff Trail & 16 Avenue N.W. intersection to the west
  • Improvements to accommodate a continuous multi-use pathway from 19th Street N.W. to Banff Trail N.W. (on the north side of 16 Avenue N.W.) to link to the new pathway from Banff Trail to Crowchild Trail
  • Replacement of the noise wall adjacent to the Briar Hill Community (south side of 16 Avenue N.W., Crowchild Trail to 20A Street N.W.)
  • Inclusion of a contra-flow bike lane on 16 Avenue Residential Road (south of the noise wall)
  • Adding new Calgary Transit bus stops (in both directions) on the east side of Crowchild Trail on 16 Avenue N.W.
  • Building a 'Complete Street' along Banff Trail N.W. (from 16 Avenue N.W. to 23 Avenue N.W.)
  • Building a new east/west internal access road (Banff Trail to lane) to facilitate a new road network
  • View a high resolution map here.

2. Constructing a westbound (WB) 16 Avenue N.W. off-ramp to northbound (NB) Crowchild Trail N.W.


  • The construction of a new ramp from WB 16 Avenue N.W. to NB Crowchild Trail with a second one-way NB access ramp onto 24 Street N.W.
  • Removal of the Service Road, addition of a multi-use pathway and boulevard space (between Banff Trail N.W. and 24 Street N.W.)
  • Enhancing the pedestrian underpass at Crowchild Trail and 16 Avenue N.W., including the addition of a new switchback pathway from the north side of 16 Avenue N.W.
  • Adding sidewalk connections along 24 Street N.W. (east side) from 23 Avenue N.W. to 16 Avenue N.W.
  • View a high resolution map here.

3. Intersection improvements at Crowchild Trail N.W. and 24 Avenue N.W.


  • Widening Crowchild Trail (adding a NB lane along Crowchild Trail between 23 Avenue N.W. and the 32 Avenue N.W. off-ramp)
  • Improvements to the Crowchild Trail/24 Avenue intersection to accommodate active modes passing through this intersection
  • Changes to the 24 Avenue/24 Street intersection
  • Upgrading the pathway on the east side of Crowchild Trail (from Crowchild Trail & 24 Avenue going south to Banff Trail N.W.)
  • Adding a new multi-use pathway from Crowchild Trail & Banff Trail N.W. to Crowchild Trail & 23 Avenue N.W.
  • View a high resolution map here.

4. 24 Avenue N.W. Corridor (Crowchild Tr. N.W. to 14 Street N.W.) Improvements


  • Making improvements for people who walk, cycle, along 24 Avenue N.W. (from Crowchild Trail N.W. to 14 Street N.W.)
  • Resurfacing the road along 24 Avenue N.W. (from Crowchild Trail N.W. to 14 Street N.W.)
  • 24 Avenue & 14 Street N.W. - building a new Confederation Park pathway connection that includes an at-grade crossing across 14 Street N.W. while keeping the existing underpass.

This work will improve connections while making it easier and safer for Calgarians to get around. We will be working closely with the communities and businesses in the area to ensure they are kept up-to-date during the course of this project.

Project area

Click to enlarge


$34.4 million

Business access

We are committed to keeping business accesses open throughout construction.

Past events

March 2021:
September 24, 2020:
December 20, 2019:
October 24, 2019:
June 11, 2019:
October 29, 2018:

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Project timeline

  • October 2018: Public Engagement Session
  • Spring 2019: Project re-introduction
  • June 11, 2019: Public Engagement Session
  • October 24, 2019: Public Engagement Session
  • January – March 2020: Utility relocations (water, gas, electrical)
  • Spring 2020: Start of construction
  • March – October 2020 Construction Areas:
    • 24 Street N.W. (16 Avenue N.W. to approximately 19 Avenue N.W.)
    • Northbound and southbound Crowchild Trail rehabilitation (16 Avenue N.W. to 32 Avenue N.W.)
    • Crowchild Trail & 24 Avenue N.W. (Intersection Improvements)
    • 24 Avenue N.W. (19th Street N.W. to 14 Street N.W. and pedestrian crossing improvements)
    • 16 Avenue N.W. (North side from Crowchild Trail to Banff Trail)
    • Utility relocations on eastbound 16 Avenue N.W. Residential Road (Southside of noise wall)
    • New Connector Road from Laneway to Banff Trail N.W.
  • April – October 2021 Construction Areas:
    • Banff Trail (16 Avenue N.W. to 23 Avenue N.W.)
    • 23 Avenue N.W.
    • 16 Avenue N.W. (South side and median from University Drive to 20 A Street N.W.)
    • 24 Street N.W. (23 Avenue to Nick’s Steakhouse & Pizza parking lot)
    • 24 Avenue N.W. (south side 19 to 15 Street N.W. and 23 to 19 Street N.W.)
  • January to July 2022 construction areas:
    • 16 Avenue N.W. (south side from 16 Avenue bridge to 20a Street N.W.)
    • 24 Street N.W. (completion of the westbound 16 Avenue to northbound Crowchild Trail ramp)
    • Crowchild Trail N.W. (16 Avenue bridge to northbound 23 Avenue N.W.) 
  • Fall 2022: Construction completion

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