Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Operational and safety improvements project

Project update - May 2023

16 Avenue N.W. area - Safety improvements

Final work underway

Construction as part of the Operational and Safety Improvements project was substantially completed in 2022.   

Over the coming weeks, crews will be on-site correcting minor deficiencies identified during inspections. Final paving on the south Bowness Road pathway is also scheduled to be complete in early May, at which time the pathway will be opened for pedestrians.

Bow Trail U-Turn

Bow Trail U-Turn - Operational improvements

Construction of the Bow Trail U-Turn is now complete.

The U-Turn lane and new traffic signals are fully operational and open to vehicles. New pedestrian signals have also been installed at the intersection.

View the infographics below for information on how to travel safely together in the area.

How to make a U-Turn when pedestrians are crossing

How to make a U-Turn when no pedestrians are crossing

Project overview

As Calgary grows, The City continuously evaluates various roads and intersections that require operational improvements for a variety of reasons like traffic congestion, safety issues, or infrastructure maintenance.

This year, the following locations were chosen for improvements this summer:

Bow Trail/Sarcee Trail S.W. area - Operational improvements

  • Construction of a U-Turn lane at the east leg of the Bow Trail and Sarcee Trail S.W. intersection
    • A new U-Turn lane will be built on eastbound Bow Trail, at the existing pedestrian traffic lights east of the Sarcee Trail S.W. intersection

16 Avenue N.W. area - Safety improvements

  • Northbound Bowness Road to westbound 16 Avenue N.W loop ramp
    • The traffic loop will be increased to two lanes rather than one
    • Traffic signals will be installed at the intersection of 16 Avenue N.W.
  • Southbound Shaganappi Trail to eastbound 16 Avenue N.W. loop ramp
    • A larger traffic loop will be built around the existing loop
    • Intersection with 16 Avenue N.W. will be converted from a yield to a merge condition
    • The existing loop will be converted for exclusive use by Roads and a “Broombox” will be added for storage of materials
  • Pavement rehabilitation on Bowness Road N.W.
    • Mill and inlay the road surface curb to curb from 37 Street to 41 Street N.W.
  • Installation of four bus pads
    • Improve comfort for riders at existing Transit stops on Bowness Road N.W. between 37 Street and Shaganappi Trail N.W.
  • Construction of pathway connection
    • Completion of a missing multi-use pathway link on the east side of Bowness Road N.W. between Shaganappi Trail and 41 Street N.W., to provide better connections and improve safety and accessibility for those walking and wheeling

This work was identified as part of the short-term improvements for the Future of 16 Avenue N.W., as well as part of The City’s annual Pavement Rehabilitation Program and Operational & Safety Improvements Program.

Project maps

Frequently Asked Questions

Walking and wheeling detour

Drivers are reminded to watch for detour signs, and reduced speed limits in the area while this work is underway.

Business access during construction

We will maintain business and resident access whenever possible, however detour routes may be in place.

Noise and dust concerns

Work will be done in a staged manner and will adhere to City of Calgary Noise Bylaw restrictions. In the event of overnight construction, all efforts will be made to reduce noise impacts to the best of our ability. Not all noise will be able to be mitigated and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Crews will be working to keep dust and vibration to a minimum during construction with things like street sweeping, water, etc. Not all dust or vibration will be able to be mitigated and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Tree removal

Several trees will need to be removed within the project area by 16 Avenue N.W. to accommodate construction and the future loop ramp configuration.

These trees have been assessed by The City. This ensures that replacement trees can be planted in a new location.

Trees will be removed weeks before main construction. This ensures there is no overlap with bird nesting season.

Why is a U-Turn lane being constructed on eastbound Bow Trail?

The intersection of Bow Trail and Sarcee Trail is one of the most congested signal-controlled intersections in Calgary. Bow Trail is an important connection to the downtown core. Once the West Calgary Ring Road (WCRR) is completed, Bow Trail may see an increase in traffic. 

The Bow Trail interchange at WCRR will be the only interchange that facilitates all turning movements.

The U-Turn lane will help to reduce some of the congestion at the Bow Trail/Sarcee Trail S.W. intersection. It will provide residents from Strathcona Hill a more direct connection to northbound Sarcee Trail. It will reduce trip time by 2-5 minutes.

Past improvements

2021 work

  • McKnight Boulevard and 68 Avenue N.E. - Improvements to the ramp from westbound McKnight Boulevard to northbound 68 Avenue N.E.
  • Home Road and 16 Avenue N.W. - Intersection pavement removal and replacement
  • Montgomery
    • 16 Avenue N.W. (between Home Road and the CPR bridge) - Median extension
    • 16 Avenue N.W. (between 43 Street and Monseratt Drive N.W.) - Pavement rehabilitation

Project timeline

  • Spring 2022: Construction Start
  • Fall 2022: Construction Completion
  • Spring 2023: South pathway paving and overhead signage installation

Construction activities are dependent on several factors. Timelines could change due to inclement weather, underground conditions and/or other unexpected circumstances.


$4 million

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This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
