Every year the Mobility Department puts together a status update that includes a series of measures to highlight the performance of our transportation systems and help us improve on service delivery. This provides a snapshot of what is happening on The City’s transportation system over the past year and is used to help plan for improvements.

Full Mobility Status Reports

Highlights from 2024

Activity around Calgary has returned to normal after the restrictions seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel patterns have not returned to normal, but they are beginning to form into new patterns. We are also seeing traffic volumes remaining stable, and most of the traffic volume increases are related to growth in The City. Calgary has experienced two years of high population growth, which also has an impact on travel behaviour.

Transit ridership continues to increase and is expected to increase in 2025 and beyond. This is a result of Calgary Transit’s investments in service levels and safety.

Transit measures 2021 2022 2023 2024 YTD (Oct)
Total transit ridership 31 million 57 million 90 million 75 million
Annual revenue $83 million $126 million $154 million $120 million
Vehicle 2-way average weekday volumes 2021 2022 2023 2024 YTD (Oct)
5 Avenue Flyover (1 way) 30,050 34,830 36,120 36,630
Louise Bridge 6,790 8,110 8,480 8,280
Glenmore TR Causeway 62,630 65,440 67,790 68,920
McKnight BV west of Deerfoot TR 22,580 23,190 24,370 24,380

Innovation to improve the services we provide to Calgarians

Mobility continually reviews how we provide services. The needs of Calgarinas change over time and it’s important that we ensure we are providing the best service possible.

Some of the key projects and work Mobility has done this year include:

  • The City of Calgary completed missing links projects in several communities across Calgary to improve connections and safety.
  • Innovation in pothole repair: The City has explored all-in-one pothole patchers and infrared seal coating trailers and we continue to retain small paver equipment.
  • Winter maintenance: City Council has approved a new Winter Maintenance Policy to enhance snow and ice management. The policy aims to improve safety and improve service levels.
  • Enhanced snow clearing trial: During the 2023/24 season the response time to clear Priority 2 routes was reduced 36 hours to 24 hours.
  • Transit shelter and bench program: $3.2 million of the $5 million Customer Amenity Enhancement Program budget has been allocated for the purchase and maintenance of an additional 200 shelters across The City. 

We are on track in providing services that are important to Calgarians

Many maintenance activities are driven by service requests submitted by Calgarians. The number of service requests to key Mobility services continues to increase.

Service requests (# of requests)
Measure 2021 2022 2023 2024 YTD (Oct)
Roadway maintenance 3,150 3,040 4,190 3,150
Pothole maintenance 3,380 2,680 7,640 10,840
Potholes repaired 19,830 16,080 33,490 34,550
Snow and ice control 6,870 5,690 8,380 6,870