About the Noise Barrier Lifecycle Program

The City of Calgary works hard to keep noise barriers in good shape through the Noise Barrier Lifecycle Replacement program. Replacing old noise barriers extends their service life by about 50 years.

The construction process involves the removal of existing posts, panels and some foundations. Then, new piles, posts, foundations and panels are put in place.

Project update - August 2024

Five noise barriers will be replaced throughout the Spring – December 2024.

Please see locations and maps below:

Address Map Status

Southland Dr. S.E., West of Wilde Rd. (Whitney Cr. S.E.) – South side

All panels have been installed. Crews continue with backfilling.

Southland Dr. S.E. from Fairmount Dr. to 5 Street S.E. (Woodland Cr.) - South side  

Twenty-six panels have been installed. More backfill is required to achieve a slope away from the noise barrier.  

Southland Dr. S.E. from Acadia Dr. to Maple Creek Dr. S.E. (Maplebrook Place S.E.)  

All piles have been poured. The temporary retaining wall has been installed.  

Southland Dr. S.E. from Acadia Dr. to Maple Creek Dr. S.E. – South side

Demolition of the existing panels is underway.

Location 8

Construction will begin end of August 2024

24 Avenue S.W. and 24 Street S.W

Location 1

Under design

14 Street S.W. Noise Barrier

Construction Progress Update for Noise Barrier Replacement Project on 14 Street & 75 Avenue S.W.

14 street noise barrier

August - September 2024

  • Work is nearing completion. The grade beam has been installed and crews have welded the steel posts into place.
  • Crews are expected to continue backfilling next week. Once complete, the remaining concrete panels and posts will be assembled and painted by the end of September.
  • Sidewalk repairs have been completed from the south end. Sidewalk repairs at the north end will resume once the noise barrier section is complete.

Langriville Drive S.W. Noise Barrier

Construction Progress Update for Noise Barrier Replacement Project on Langriville Drive S.W.

Lagriville Noise Barrier

September - November 2024

  • Crews are expected to mobilize at this location at the end of September. Demolition of the existing wall will take approximately two weeks to complete.
  • Crews will then move to pile and foundation work before posts and panels are installed for the new noise barrier.
  • Construction is expected to be complete by the end of November. 

Project timeline

  • Spring 2024 - Construction Start
    • Locations 7A and 7B – Construction began in March
    • Location 7C – Construction began early June
    • Location 7D – Construction began July 2024
    • Location 8 – Construction will begin late August 2024
  • December 2024/January 2025 – Substantial completion
  • Location 1 – Under design

Construction activities are dependent on several factors. Timelines may change due to inclement weather, complexity, supply chain and/or other unexpected circumstances.  

Stay connected

Have questions? Please contact us at noisebarriers@calgary.ca or call 311. 

Related links

  • 6.12M

    Project Budget: The estimated budget is $6.12M for the 2023-2026 noise barrier replacement locations.
