Heliport and Low-level Flights
Heliport use
Helicopters that use the downtown heliport in Calgary require prior permission from the City of Calgary. The heliport is located north of the intersection at 1 Avenue S.W. and 7 Street S.W. The heliport operates during daylight hours only.
Related information
Aircraft low level flights within city of Calgary
Requests for low-level flights for any type of aircraft within Calgary city limits require a Letter of No Objection from The City. After receiving the letter, the applicant must then provide it to Transport Canada.
Information to apply
Email TEBusinessSupport@calgary.ca with the information below to acquire a Letter of No Objection:
- Full contact information of applicant (name, phone number, address, email)
- Organization (if applicable)
- Date and time of proposed flight
- Alternate date and time (in case of bad weather)
- Purpose of proposed flight
- Route of proposed flight
- Elevation of proposed flight
- Specifics of location
- Aircraft type
- Air speed
- Any relevant flight details (e.g., 2 CF-18 Hornets at 500ft. AGL at 400KIAS)
The letter will be processed within 10 business days, providing all required information is included and there are no conflicting issues or events.