Temporary Traffic Calming Curbs
Traffic Calming Curbs (TC Curbs) are large, yellow concrete slabs which are placed on the road to provide temporary traffic calming. They were developed by a small team of City employees to improve the safety of all road users, especially vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. They are yellow and have plastic reflective posts or signs installed on them to increase their visibility to people driving. TC Curbs are designed to be the same height as other roadside curbs so they don’t pose any significant danger if struck by a vehicle.
How do they work?
TC Curbs improve safety by narrowing the street. For drivers, this encourages travel at lower speeds, which reduces the number and severity of collisions. The curbs also reduce pedestrian crossing distance and provide a protected, visible space to wait before crossing.
Preliminary studies have shown that the presence of these curbs increases the number of drivers who yield to pedestrians, who stop at controlled intersections, and who reduce their speed.
Location and Design
There are over 150 locations throughout Calgary where TC Curbs have been installed. Locations are chosen on a city-wide priority basis. Locations are investigated for speeding, long crossing distances, poor yielding compliance, complex geometry, and collision history. After a location has been selected for installation, designs are prepared ensuring that the width of all travel lanes is adequate, large vehicles are able to maneuver around the curbs, and traffic flow is not significantly affected. Following installation, each location is monitored by The City of Calgary to assess the design and identify any potential issues that may arise.
Key Benefits of Traffic Calming Curbs
- Increased safety for all road users
- Decreased pedestrian exposure to vehicles by shortening the crossing distance
- Reduced vehicular speeds
- Increased yielding and stopping compliance
- Increased pedestrian and vehicle visibility at intersections through improved sightlines which may be limited due to parked vehicles
- Quick implementation and improved response to citizen safety concerns
- Cost of implementation is significantly lower than traditional construction methods
- Design can be adjusted if required before permanent solution is installed

For any further inquiries regarding Traffic Calming Curbs please contact 311 below.