Mount Pleasant Affordable Housing Development
Project background
One in five Calgary households struggles to pay for housing costs. This development is part of The City’s strategy to create inclusive communities, to ensure that all Calgarians have a safe, stable place to call home.
Surplus City land at 2020 6 Street N.W. was allocated to Calgary Housing with a mandate to build 16 affordable homes. A portion of the adjacent park will be developed into a community space for the whole community.
The new homes will be built on City-owned land at 2020 6 Street N.W., the former site of the St. Joseph School.

Community park
The newly named St. Joseph Park – adjacent to the affordable housing site - is now complete. It is fully open for public use and now boasts:
- a designated, fully-fenced off-leash area;
- a new plaza with site furnishings, a variety of seating options, and bike racks;
- new plantings and a multipurpose turf area; and
- a small natural play space with a timber stack structure and log steppers.
The site, once used as an informal off-leash area, can now be enjoyed by Mount Pleasant residents, families, dog owners and neighbouring communities.

Site parking
A report was commissioned to study the impact of an affordable housing development on parking in the neighbouring community, including the adjacent church and green space.
The report finds that there is no shortfall of parking for the proposed development, the Church or the adjacent park.
Building management
Once complete, Calgary Housing Company (CHC) will manage the building and will work with the residents and community to maintain a safe and secure property. CHC has been Calgary’s leading housing provider for 40 years, managing over 10,000 homes with more than 25,000 tenants.
Rents will be set according to a mixed income model, where some tenants pay deeply subsidized rent and others pay rent that is just below the private market. This model has the benefit of being financially sustainable while also providing an inclusionary approach to housing.
For updates on this project, please continue to check this page or call 311.
Community engagement
We are collecting community feedback for the housing development through our engagement process. Please visit our engage webpage for information and how to provide your feedback, and to review What We Heard reports.