Youth justice partnerships
Partners in Prevention
The City of Calgary partners with the Calgary Police Service and other agencies to offer innovative programs for at-risk and vulnerable children and youth. These programs range from prevention to early intervention measures and have demonstrated positive outcomes through evaluation.
Additional programs exist to help those involved in, or at risk of becoming involved in, gang activity. Visit programs to prevent gang and gun violence to find out more.
Contact us
Phone: 3-1-1 (outside Calgary: 403-268-2489)
Email: 311 Contact Us Service Request

MASST is an early intervention initiative that supports children between the ages of five and 12 who are exhibiting high risk behaviour, or who are at increased risk of victimization. 12 MASST teams consisting of a City of Calgary social worker and a Calgary Police constable work directly with children, their families, schools and community agencies.
The goals of MASST are to reduce participants’ criminal involvement and victimization, increase awareness of the consequences of criminal activity among participants and their families, increase awareness of social services and supports, and increased collaboration among schools, police and social agencies to prevent youth crime.
MASST is a partnership between The City of Calgary, Calgary Police Service, Alberta Health Services and the Calgary Police Youth Foundation.
Evaluations have shown positive outcomes connected to this program. A summary of the most recent evaluation can be found here.
For more information, email

The Youth at-Risk Development (YARD) program works to reduce the number of at-risk-youth entering into and participating in gang activities. Evaluations have shown positive outcomes connected to this program. A summary of the most recent evaluation is available here.
YARD is a community-based, early intervention program that supports youth between the ages of 10 and 17 who are at risk for gang involvement. YARD has five teams consisting of a City of Calgary social worker and a Calgary Police constable who work closely with youth and their families, schools and community agencies. YARD teams work to create an individualized case plan that is family-centred, in order to help youth avoid gang involvement and make positive choices.
YARD is a partnership between The City of Calgary, Calgary Police Service, Alberta Health Services and the Calgary Police Youth Foundation.
For more information, call 403-206-8409 or email

ReDirect is a Calgary based initiative that provides education, awareness, and case management. We work with youth to build resiliency by increasing life skills, improving conflict resolution abilities, and connecting them to their community. By providing targeted interventions we can address the psychosocial risk factors to help improve youth resilience against ideological and hate-motivated conflict.
ReDirect is a partnership between the City of Calgary and the Calgary Police Service and receives funding support from both partner agencies as well as the Calgary Police Youth Foundation.