Calgary Airport Rail Connection Study
Project update – January 2025
As the City of Calgary grows, a rail connection to the Calgary International Airport will improve access for those who live, work, and travel within our city.
In response to increasing public and private interest in rail connections, The City of Calgary, in partnership with the Government of Alberta, launched the Calgary Airport Rail Connection Study. The goal of this study is to identify the optimal rail connection between Downtown Calgary and the airport as part of an integrated transportation network.
The findings of the study will be presented as a briefing at the Infrastructure and Planning Committee on January 8, 2025. The final technical report is expected to be completed by Q1 2025 and shared with the Government of Alberta, to support the development of the Passenger Rail Master Plan.
You can view a copy of the briefing note on the Infrastructure and Planning Committee - January 08, 2025 agenda.
RouteAhead, Calgary Transit's 30-year plan, identifies a transit connection to the airport (via the Blue Line and Green Line LRT) as a key transit priority. As such, in 2020, the Council-approved Airport Transit Line Study proposed a transit connection between the Blue and Green Line LRT on Airport Trail/96 Avenue North via the Calgary International Airport. Since then, three private rail developers have proposed projects that would also connect downtown Calgary to the airport, including the Calgary-Banff/Bow Valley passenger rail project and two high-speed connections between Edmonton and Calgary.
Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors has a mandate to explore cost-sharing arrangements with the private sector and/or municipalities that support economic investment in Alberta’s transportation system. This includes taking into consideration public transit, heavy rail, and bridge infrastructure that better connect Calgary and Edmonton airports to their downtowns, regional communities to Calgary and Edmonton, and Calgary to the province’s Rocky Mountain parks system.
Given the provincial mandate and the public interest in the proposals, $3 million in funding was allocated to the City of Calgary to lead the Calgary Airport Rail Connection Study.
Consultant selection and engagement
On October 17, 2023, Arup, was selected as the successful consultant to assist with the study. As part of the study, The City developed a transparent process, ensuring participation from all key interest-holders through an Input Committee, providing an opportunity to share perspectives and interests.
The Input Committee consisted of representatives from The City, the Government of Alberta, Canada Infrastructure Bank, Calgary Airport Authority, Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) railway and private rail developers.
Study process
The Calgary Airport Rail Connection Study looked holistically at rail access between Calgary International Airport, Downtown Calgary, and other regional destinations. The study considered the interaction of public and private proposals and established a comprehensive understanding of technical factors, route options and anticipated ridership, using past studies and current research.
The Calgary Airport Rail Connection Study focused on several important factors, these included:
- A review of global best practices in airport rail connections in other cities across North America and Europe.
- An evaluation of technical factors, including different rail technology and route options.
- A comprehensive ridership, origin and destination review
- Interest-holder engagement through an input committee.
- This included working closely with The Calgary Airport Authority to understand their future plans.
Study findings
The preferred option builds on the 2020 Airport Transit Line Study, focusing on improving connectivity between Calgary International Airport (YYC) and downtown Calgary, while integrating with the Blue and Green Line LRT systems. It is designed to meet the needs and priorities of Calgarians, as outlined in the Calgary’s transit plan (RouteAhead), while also preserving the flexibility for future regional transit connections.
The preferred option builds on the 2020 Airport Transit Study with key highlights:
- East-West Connection: Building on findings from the 2020 Airport Transit Line Study, the preferred option ensures the east-west connection between the Blue Line and Green Line LRT via the Calgary International Airport is maintained, linking northeast and northwest Calgary communities where approximately 60% of the demand for airport service was identified.
- Direct Airport-Downtown Link: The alignment does not preclude a direct connection between the airport and downtown Calgary, preserving opportunities for enhanced regional connectivity. The alignment was modified from the 2020 Airport Transit Line Study (including wider radii) to allow for regional rail services to serve the airport in the future which would be delivered by private rail providers.
- Regional Rail Compatibility: The design ensures that future expansions for intercity and regional rail remain viable, supporting broader transit integration.
- Funding Flexibility: The option enables prioritization of the east leg, reflecting funding partner priorities and allowing for phased development.
- Alignment with Provincial Goals: The study complements the Provincial Passenger Rail Master Plan by integrating local and intercity transit considerations into a unified framework.
Preferred option alignment

Next steps
The final technical report will be shared with the Government of Alberta in Q1 2025 to help support the development of the Provincial Passenger Rail Master Plan. This will guide future decisions on rail infrastructure and help shape Alberta’s transportation network.
The City will also continue to advance the design of the Blue Line extension from Saddletowne Station to 88 Avenue N.E., a crucial step in connecting the City’s transit system to the airport.
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- $3 million
Funding provided by the Government of Alberta

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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the three private rail proposals?
Three proposals have been submitted by private rail developers all of which include a connection to Calgary International Airport:
- High-Speed Rail (HSR) – Prairie Link Rail Partnership proposes high-speed rail connecting Edmonton, Red Deer, and Calgary via the airports in Calgary and Edmonton.
- Calgary Airport Banff Rail - Liricon Capital Ltd and Plenary Americas LP propose a rail solution connecting Calgary International Airport, downtown Calgary, and the Bow Valley (with terminus in the Town of Banff)
- TransPod (Hyperloop) - TransPod proposes a hyperloop connection between Edmonton, Red Deer, and Calgary via the airports in Calgary and Edmonton.
Who will develop this rail connection? How much will it cost?
The Calgary Airport Rail Connection Study is a technical study that focused on identifying the best route for a connection between downtown Calgary and the airport while considering the private rail proposals. It does not address ownership or operation of the service.
When can we expect to see shovels in the ground?
Construction will depend on future project proponents and funding sources (through public and/or private partnerships) who will use the study’s findings to move forward.
Did the study include public engagement?
- As part of the 2020 Airport Transit Line Study, the City conducted public engagement to identify key priorities for Calgarians which included: integration with existing transit systems, speed, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility.
- The Calgary Airport Rail Connection Study is a technical study focused on determining the optimal route between downtown and the airport. Public engagement was not undertaken for CARCS, but the public engagement findings from the 2020 study were incorporated in the screening criteria that helped to determine the preferred option. Should a project proponent (private or public) choose to advance a specific project, public consultation may be conducted at that time.
Does The City or Government of Alberta have a preferred project or proponent?
The study has focused on determining the optimal connection from downtown Calgary to the Calgary International Airport, but it has not addressed any specific private developer proposals or who would own and operate the services.
Why was the preferred option selected?
- Integration with Calgary’s transit network: The preferred option connects to the City’s Blue Line and Green Line LRT systems while not precluding potential future regional transit connections.
- Track sharing efficiencies: The preferred option optimizes potential track-sharing between different rail services.
- Adaptability in train technology: The preferred option can accommodate a wider range of train technologies that can interoperate on shared tracks, ensuring flexibility as needs and technologies emerge.
- Phased infrastructure development: The rail system can be built in phases as funding sources become available, allowing for gradual expansion through public and/or private partnerships.
- Land requirement: The preferred option solution optimizes the use of public, CPKC right-of-way and Calgary Airport Authority lands subject to future land negotiations with the key landowners by private and/or public future rail developers.