Neighbourhood Streets Northhill communities planning

Neighbourhood Streets - North Hill Area

Project update - November 2023

Installation of the roadway speed humps and other traffic calming improvements for the North Hill Neighbourhood Streets project is now complete.

Thank you to the community for your patience during construction and for providing feedback on these improvements.

For any questions or concerns, please email the project team.

Project Overview

As part of the Neighbourhood Streets Program, the North Hill Area Project implemented temporary traffic calming measures, improved crossings and park improvements along 1 Street N.E. and 2 Street N.W.

This project has been informed by engagement held over the last six years for Green Line, The City's local growth planning program's work in North Hill Communities and Main Streets, which all identified a desire to see reduced vehicle volumes and speeds along residential streets parallel to Centre Street N and to provide safe and comfortable walking and cycling routes.

To help create inclusive, safe streets for all residents and commuters, we:

  • Made the diagonal diverters permanent at 1 Street and 34 Avenue N.E. and 2 Street and 22 Avenue N.W.
    • The new diverter has a large island that extends out into the intersection, which makes pedestrians and cyclists more visible to vehicles approaching.
    • The large extension will also reduce pedestrian crossing distance.
    • Based on best practice and engineering design, it is anticipated that vehicles will slow down further, because they are making a 90-degree turn. While this may not have been the case with the temporary materials, we know that people tend to respect permanent, concrete materials more so than temporary materials.
  • Bicycle yield signs will be installed, to let cyclists and wheeling users know that they do not have the right of way, and to watch out for vehicles. Installing new speed humps on 23 Avenue and 2 Street N.W. to help slow down vehicle speeds on adjacent avenues. 
  • Installing new temporary traffic calming curb extensions beside Crescent Heights High School, to increase pedestrian and school safety.
  • We will be re-installing stop signs in the intersection for vehicles, to help improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. 

Adjacent to this project is the expanded Balmoral Circus Park, which transformed the paved intersection at 2 Street and 19 Avenue N.W. into park space and limiting vehicle access with temporary materials. Visit Balmoral Circus Park Improvements for more information.

Project History

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Addressing what we heard

The following summarizes the range of input we received, grouping feedback into themes, and how the project team is addressing the feedback into the design of the permanent measures:

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Project timeline:

  • Fall 2020
    Installation of traffic calming measures using temporary materials 
  • Winter 2020
    Public engagement on temporary traffic calming measures and Balmoral Circus Park
  • Summer 2021
    Construction of 2 Street multi-use pathway between 9 Avenue and 11 Avenue N.W. and temporary curb extensions at intersection of 1 Street and 24 Avenue N.W.
  • Spring 2022
    Final design for Balmoral Circus Park and traffic calming and draft designs for diagonal diverters and traffic calming in front of Crescent Heights High School
  • Summer 2022
    Final designs of diagonal diverters and traffic calming in front of Crescent Heights High School and construction for Balmoral Circus Park.
  • Fall 2022 – Spring 2023
    Construction of permanent diagonal diverters and traffic calming in front of Crescent Heights High School.
  • Spring 2023
    Installation of speed humps on 21 Ave. and 23 Ave. N.W.
  • Fall 2023 – Construction complete. 

Related topics:

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