Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

Water Saving Tips, FAQs, more information

The Calgary Goods Movement Strategy was created in 2018 to guide transportation investment decisions over the next 30 years. The strategy recognizes the critical importance of goods movement to both our economy and quality of life.

We are now conducting a Truck Travel Improvement Study as part of the implementation of the Goods Movement Strategy to learn about how we can improve the travel experience for those who work in the trucking industry.

We will be looking at ways to improve the flow of trucks, safety for all road users, and identifying problem locations. The data and feedback we collect will help us identify safety concerns and plan for future road improvements.

You can provide your feedback online or text us at 403-660-4937 with your top problem locations.


The Goods Movement Strategy was created with extensive input from people representing a wide range of interests, described in the engagement section below. We also researched industry best practices and reviewed other cities' approaches to improving goods movement.

The outcome is a Goods Movement Strategy that:

  • Identifies areas and corridors to improvements to connectivity and accessibility to enhance goods movement in Calgary.
  • Supports the Calgary Transportation Plan (CTP) and Municipal Development Plan (MDP).
  • Supports the region's growth as a primary distribution hub for Western Canada.
  • Complements other City and regional economic development initiatives.
  • Updates and/or consolidates City policies and bylaws related to goods movement, including trucking-related bylaws 60M90 (Truck Route Bylaw) and 13M2004 (Dangerous Goods Movement Bylaw).

Download the Calgary Goods Movement Strategy Documents for details.

Moving together to help our economy

Every day food, clothing, building materials, and electronics are delivered to restaurants, stores, warehouses and homes across Calgary. Local manufacturers ship products to customers around the world as well.

The movement of goods throughout Calgary is important to the wellbeing of our economy. An effective and efficient transportation network, with optimized traffic flow, will further increase the reliability of products arriving to their destination on time.

Why do we need a Goods Movement Strategy?

Calgary is connected to local, national and international markets in several ways. Major railways, interprovincial and international highways and a large international airport help products travel to businesses in Calgary and all over the world. The Goods Movement Strategy will help us determine what transportation infrastructure improvements need to be made to help Calgary thrive over the next 30 years.

It will also help The City support the goods movement industry and Calgarians through continued improvements to our transportation network. These improvements will help us continue to efficiently move goods to markets in Calgary and beyond.

A strategic approach will minimize those issues while promoting a vibrant economy in Calgary for years to come. Improving our transportation network for the industry will improve it for everyone.


The engagement process captured input from citizens, regional partners and industry stakeholders. The Calgary Goods Movement Strategy reflects these voices throughout – from the assessment of current conditions, to the challenges and opportunities identified and the selected list of action plans.

Engagement topics covered all aspects of goods movement, including:

  • Long-term transportation and land-use planning
  • Collaboration opportunities with regional and industry partners
  • Future technology implications for autonomous deliveries

Summary and verbatim inputs are available in What we Heard reports for each phase of engagement. Those reports can be found on the project engagement page.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
