Saving water in your home
In Calgary, the average person uses about seven cubic metres (m3) or 7,000 litres of water per month. This includes water used outdoors for irrigation.
A home's indoor water consumption will usually remain about the same throughout the year unless you have guests or go on vacation.
The chart below shows typical water use for common household fixtures and appliances. Actual water use can vary based on your water-use habits and efficiency of your fixtures.
Check your monthly water utility bill
Your water utility bill shows you how much water your household uses each month. It also tracks your water consumption from month to month so you can monitor household trends and watch for leaks.
By taking simple water saving actions, you can watch your monthly use decline and watch the savings grow.
Typical home water use in Calgary
The average residential home fixtures use the following volumes of water:
- Low flow toilet (per flush) uses 6L
- Dishwasher (per load) uses 35L
- Low flow showerheads (per 5 minutes) use 40L
- Regular showerheads (per 5 minutes) use 60L
- Typical bathtub (per use) uses 80L
- Non-low flow toilet (per flush) uses up to 25L
- Front load washing machine uses 65L
- Top load washing machine uses 180L
- Watering the lawn (summer only) uses up to 950L
How to save water in your home
Every time you take a shower, flush the toilet, or wash vegetables you have the opportunity to conserve water. Below are some quick and inexpensive ways to reduce water use in your home.
Homeowner water guide
Discover a library of tips and tools for creating a water-efficient home.
Saving water in the bathroom
Fix leaky taps and toilets
Check toilets and faucets for leaks every six months.
Install low flow faucets, shower heads and toilets
Low water use fixtures conserve water while maintaining the same level of performance. [Learn about low-flow fixtures]
Take short showers
A five-minute shower with an old showerhead can easily use 100 litres of water.
Fill bathtub halfway or less
Fill the tub to only halfway when bathing the kids can save 40 litres or more every bath.
Turn off water when brushing teeth, shaving or lathering hands with soap
By turning off the water when brushing your teeth you can save up to 32 litres per person per day!

Did you know?
More water is consumed in the bathroom than all of your other rooms combined.
Saving water in the kitchen
Invest in high efficiency appliances
When it’s time, replace your old dishwasher with a low water use dishwasher. Newer models will save on your energy bill as well.
Wash full loads
Use your dishwasher only when you have a full load or run it on a shorter cycle if you must run it when not completely full.
Scrape your plate
Scrape plates into the compost bin. Do not rinse the food off of dishes.
Fill a pot to wash vegetables
Place vegetables and fruit in a partially filled sink or pot, then rinse them.
Keep a jug of water in the fridge
Keep a jug of drinking water in your refrigerator instead of running the tap to get cold water.
Read your meter
Use your water meter to check for leaks every six months and make any necessary repairs.

Saving water in the utility room
Upgrade to a high efficiency appliance
Replace your old washer with a low water use washing machine. Consider buying a front-load washer. They use at least 50% less water than older top-load models.
Wash full loads and skip the extra rinse
Wash only full loads of laundry. Set the water-level appropriately if you must wash a small load of laundry.
Service and repair appliances
Check the drainage of your water softener, furnace humidifier and hot water tank.
- Is water running out of the line while the humidifier isn’t running?
- Is water draining from the water softener when it isn’t recycling?
- Is the drainage of your hot water tank leaking or draining out of the line?
Read your meter
Use your water meter to check for leaks every six months and make any necessary repairs.